2021 An overload of Anderson-esque style, The French Dispatch brings out the best and worst of the director , and Pablo Mogollon Diaz 28 October 2021
2021 Respect: Glamorous Aretha Franklin biopic fails to dig deeper into star’s troubled life , and Jacob Collett 27 October 2021
Arts To scare or not to scare? Six spooky films to watch this Halloween Season , and Alicia Taylor 27 October 2021
Arts Review: ‘Vanguard x Vans – Martha: A Picture Story’ @ Arnolfini ★★★★★ , and Milan Perera 26 October 2021
Arts ‘For the weirds and queers’: behind the scenes at Bristol’s newest club night , and Greg Evans 25 October 2021
2021 The Green Knight proves there's still room for creativity in the fantasy genre , and Jasper Price 21 October 2021
2021 What Halloween Kills lacks in brains it makes up for in blood, but is that enough? , and Scarlett Milburn-Smith 20 October 2021
Entertainment 'Squid Game' is not entirely an original product as the audience may tend to think , and Ananta Evander 12 October 2021