By Sofia Lambis, News investigations editor
On Thursday 14th the first student council of the 24/25 academic year was held.
Student Council is Bristol SU’s main representative forum and gives students a platform to make their voices heard. It can help create policies which direct the SU Officers’ focus. Course reps, faculty reps, network chairs, society presidents, volunteering project co-ordinators and club captains voted on motions proposed by their peers. They had the option to vote in favour of, against or to abstain from the motion. This year digital voting was introduced to make the event more accessible.
Students also heard from their SU Full-Time Officers about what is currently being done to improve the student experience. Actions such International Students’ Week and collaborations with Bristol Institute of Learning and Teaching into research around assessment feedback were among the things mentioned. There were opportunities for questions and clarifications both in-person and for the people joining online.
Ten motions were debated and voted on. Of these all ten were passed meaning they will become active SU policy for the next three years.
Speaking to Epigram Tamryn Nicol, who proposed the motion for the SU to support the Divest Borders campaign and is campaigns coordinator for the University’s Student Action for Refugees Society said
‘This decision reflects the voices of students who have repeatedly called for ethical investment practices, ensuring that the university’s values truly represent the interests of our community. We look forward to working closely with university leadership to bring about these necessary changes.'

One attendee expressed that the Student Council was an opportunity ‘to vote on what really matters in the SU [...] It’s amazing that us as students are able to contribute to the University and the SU’s running in that way.’
A list of the motions passed by the Student Council is included below. More information on them can be found on the SU website here.
NUS Representative Update: Aims to align the SU’s bylaws with the National Union of Students' structural reform.
Representation Review: Seeks to change their structures based on Bristol SU's representation review. This includes supporting the current Student Networks to gain society status and electing six Student Community Organisers who will build campaigns across the University and work with Faculty Academic Representatives.
Financial Support for International Students: Has the goal of alleviating the financial burden on international students by lobbying the University to create dedicated scholarships and/or bursaries.
Free Circuit Laundry: Wants to make circuit laundry free for halls students such as by lobbying the University to give them a Washnet credit allowance or purchasing their own free-to-use machines for each accommodation.
Introduction of an anti-Palestinian racism definition to Bristol: Aims to lobby the University to adopt an anti-Palestinian racism definition to protect Palestinian students from racism on campus, recognise any extenuating circumstances they have and support their welfare.
Adjusting Graduation Ceremony Dates: Plans to adjust graduation ceremony dates to accommodate international students.
Proposition for the SU to support the Divest Borders Campaign: Aims to get the SU to officially endorse the Divest Borders Campaign and advocate for the University to divest from the Border and Surveillance Industry.
Accessibility for Students with Disabilities at the University of Bristol: Advocates for to improving the University's accessibility through actions such as improving pavements, upgrading doors and lobbying the University to conduct annual accessibility audits.
End All Forced Swimming Experiments at the University of Bristol: Aims to inform University of Bristol students about the cruelties involved in the animal test and to campaign the University to stop using it.
Easier Access to Support Services for International Students: Aims to improve access to support services for international students and ensure their unique challenges are addressed.
What do you think of the motions passed?