By Rosie Angel-Clark, Wellbeing Editor
The Croft Magazine // The Croft's resident clairvoyant, Rosie Angel-Clark, unravels what the stars have in store for you this November.
23 October - 21 November

The transformative new moon in your sign on the 15th provides an opportunity to start afresh with something important to you. After a setback in confidence last month, you’re propelled by the Sun and Venus charging through your sign. Your magnetism reaches a new high: reflect on what it is you want and it’ll be easier than ever to attract it into your life!
22 November - 21 December

As the Sun enters your sign on the 22nd, a surge of energy makes everything you have to read and learn feel less of a chore. Your interest in social justice is engaged more than ever, so don’t be surprised if you’re signing petitions and painting placards! The eclipse on the 30th nudges you to let go of something (or someone), and throws you back onto the path you may have strayed from.
22 December - 19 January

Towards the end of the month you may feel a new connection to someone in your friendship group - Venus suggests they’re feeling the same! The full moon on the 30th encourages your inclination towards disciplined routine and provides the perfect time to sit down and plan out your study schedule.
20 January - 18 February

Career plans take shape this month as the Sun and Mercury team up in your house of ambition. The Sun enters your house of friendships on the 21st, bringing light and energy to your social life. Even if you’re stuck indoors, staying connected to old and new friends will be entertaining and effortless.
19 February - 20 March

This is a passionate month for you. Love is intense but prone to rapid change as Venus storms through your house of transformation. Your ruling planet Neptune going direct in your sign on the 28th and the changeable full moon on the 30th make the end of the month the ideal time to recognise your most out-there dreams!
21 March - 19 April

Any tensions in relationships ease off mid-month as your ruling planet Mars ends its retrograde. You either find an unexpectedly simple solution to what’s hanging over you or problems will just fade away. Thanks to Mercury and Venus your social side is shining, so take the opportunity to make some new friends (from a safe distance of course)!
20 April - 20 May

The Halloween full moon in your sign has left you full of ideas and interests. Be aware of confrontation in relationships as Venus moves through your opposite sign – don’t stress, any negativity is only temporary! Finding a balance between your studies and social life is easier from the 10th, and any brain fog clears to reveal a clearer path.
21 May - 20 June

22You may be a little bored this month as routine tasks demand much of your attention – don’t forget to let yourself relax. Later, the restless full moon and eclipse in your sign on the 30th invoke impatience alongside unbridled inspiration! Use your intellectual powers to rationalise, but be open to new things - ideas, societies, people...
21 June - 22 July

Home is the perfect place for you to study right now, so don’t stress about the four hour library limit. Your home comforts make all that screen-staring manageable! From the 21st relationships intensify – if you’re on the lookout for love now’s the time. Expect unusually vivid or even unsettling dreams with the full moon at the end of the month. They may shed light on something you’ve been unsure of!
23 July - 22 August

Passion kicks in with your studies as fiery Mars moves through your house of learning – maybe you’ll finally get to grips with a complicated theory, or find that perfect dissertation topic. Later in the month you’ll be sociable on your own doorstep as Venus radiates warmth in the home area of your chart – perfect timing for flatmate-only drinks and family video calls!
23 August - 22 September

Your ruling planet Mercury ends its retrograde on the 3rd, and with it communication untangles. Whether this brings clarity in a relationship or makes your dodgy WiFi work itself out, it can only bring good things! Your mind is your driving force in relationships, and right now you’re interested in someone who can talk for hours about the most obscure of topics.
23 September - 22 October

As Mercury goes direct in your sign, communication has never been easier! Schedule any conversations you’ve been meaning to have for after the 13th. You may hit some indecision in your studies (familiar territory for you!), but talking to a coursemate or tutor about it might help. It’s a good time for you to meet someone in an unusual way - maybe on a zoom quiz?
What do the stars have in store for you this month?
Featured Image: Unsplash / Jeremy Thomas
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