By Rosie Angel-Clark, Wellbeing Editor
The Croft Magazine // The Croft's resident clairvoyant reveals what's in store for you this month.
22nd December – 19th January

Venus charms you out of your romantic shell this month. You’re thinking practically and personally, and with Mars moving through your house of romance from the 6th, you’re ready to put a little bit on the line for someone special. Your elevated mood helps you keep your head this exam season – even if you’re a little nervous, with the energy from the new moon behind you, you’re ready for a new challenge.
20th January – 18th February

Your sharp mind is tuned in from the 9th as chatty Mercury concentrates your energy where you need it most. If you’re in the middle of coursework, you’ll find focusing easier than expected; if it’s relationships that are on your mind, communication issues should clear themselves up (at least until Mercury goes retrograde on the 30th)! As the Sun slides into your sign, you’re ready to celebrate however you can!
19th February – 20th March

With the full moon on the 28th, you’re feeling inspired in areas of your life that can seem a little routine. You might reconsider your study methods (are flash cards still the way to go?), or feel keen to take up running again after the long Christmas break. With Venus charging through your house of career and ambition, you may find that connections come in a slightly formal, even business-like, way – perhaps someone’s spotted you on Blackboard Collaborate?!
21st March – 19th April

Your ruling planet Mars’ smooth transition into Taurus lifts a weight from your shoulders. The Sun shines down on your friendships towards the end of the month, and you’re finding creative ways to stay in touch. Exciting love possibilities arrive with the full moon on the 28th – you’re ready to lean into your risk-taking side. Letting yourself speak your mind will pay off!
20th April – 20th May

With Mars relaxing into your sign from the 6th, everything slows down a little. In the middle of exam period, this may be very welcome! Remember to take breaks and relax in the evenings – you’ll find that good food, sleep and (virtual) company give you the encouragement you need. With the Sun and Venus spending most of the month in your house of education, you uncover new passion for your subject.
21st May – 20th June

Post-lockdown plans swirl through your mind as your ruling planet Mercury enters your house of travel and adventure: you might even find yourself planning out a round-the-world trip! Steer some of that enthusiastic energy towards your studies too and you’ll be coming up with some of your brightest ideas yet. On the 23rd, as the moon moves through your sign, you might feel uncharacteristically sensitive – just remember, it’s all temporary!
21st June – 22nd July

Any collaborative work you’re in the middle of is blessed by Mercury’s rational intellect this month. With Venus moving through your house of partnerships from the 8th, any tensions in love ease off and leave only the best bits behind. The full moon on the 28th reminds you to relax and treat yourself after an intense few weeks, propelling you to chase whatever fun and adventure comes your way!
23rd July – 22nd August

With Mercury moving through your house of ambition this month, your goals for the future are likely to materialise – no more stressing over whether that Masters is for you! The full moon in Leo on the 28th reminds you of everything that’s important: even if you can’t be with your favourite people or do all your favourite things for a little while, taking this time to reflect on why you love them makes the connection even stronger.
23rd August – 22nd September

With both the Sun and Mercury inspiring your disciplined side, churning out coursework may be mind-numbing, but you’re finding the energy to do it. By the end of the month you’ll be surprised at how much you’ve achieved! You wrap up January with a full moon that brings you to the end of a cycle: whether it’s a career path that doesn’t feel right anymore or a relationship that you’ve outgrown, remember that sometimes it’s exciting to move on to new things.
23rd September – 22nd October

Your ruling planet Venus encourages you to look close to home for comfort this month. Whether that’s family, flatmates or friends over Zoom, the people in your life keep you feeling warm and upbeat. If you want to meet someone new it’ll likely be in an academic setting, so pay attention to people you see in class (or to whose voice sounds appealing through your laptop’s temperamental microphone)!
23rd October – 21st November

With Mars moving into your house of relationships from the 6th, you’re drawn to everyone important in your life. Even if you can’t see them in 3D for a bit, thanks to Venus’ glide through your house of communication, this won’t hold you back. The full moon on the 28th lights up your career and future aspirations – something you’ve been working on in the background pays off, or you might come to a sudden and ambitious realisation.
22nd November – 21st December

Mars’ influence this month soothes any recent relationship stress. If a friendship has been tense or you’re apart from the person you most want to see, you’ll feel a newfound sense of calm keeps things in perspective. The first full moon of the year on the 28th inspires your natural inquisitiveness, and you might find yourself attracted to a new area of study or even pondering a trip to a country you’ve never thought twice about before!
Featured Image: Unsplash / Adam Dutton
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