By Rosie Angel-Clark, The Croft Co-Editor-in-Chief
The Croft Magazine // The Croft’s resident clairvoyant reveals what the stars have in store for you this month...
22 November – 21 December

You’re feeling radiant for your birthday season and your glow is hard to miss. Those around you shower you with affection, and your electric energy is impossible to resist. The solar eclipse on the 4th provides a new beginning – if you’ve been hung up on a past relationship (or have been dwelling on the one that got away), it’s time to let go and recognise the many romantic opportunities coming your way.
22 December – 19 January

Festivities abound for you for the rest of term as Mars charges up your house of sociability! Christmas parties and reunions with old friends help you feel connected. You’re the centre of attention, so don’t be surprised if you’re met with declarations of love. As the holidays begin you may feel overwhelmed with studying, but you’ll fall into a comfortable routine once Christmas has passed.
20 January – 18 February

Self-expression and romance are top of your list this month as the full moon on the 18th blesses you with magnetism and luck. Friends and potential partners are flocking to you: expect multiple parties, messages and calls with those important to you. A new friend proves themselves to be indispensable and
19 February – 20 March

Your hard work is paying off this month as you start to see grades and feedback improving with every piece of work you complete. There’s plenty of time for fun too, though, as Venus’ retrograde from the 19th brings up feelings for someone you may have once dismissed, providing plentiful opportunities for romance and adventure.
21 March – 19 April

December is all about the physical for you, and you’ll find opportunities for socialising, dating and dancing abound. Festive spirit radiates from you, but beware of overdoing the mulled wine! Relationships take a turn with the solstice on the 21st – a crush or fling may become serious dating potential.
20 April – 20 May

It’s possible that romance feels a little routine this month, but stability might be just what you need. You’re feeling introspective with the full moon on the 18th: if you’ve been wanting to get into meditation, this is a perfect time. December carries a mysterious air for you – prepare for secrets to be revealed…
21 May – 20 June

For the first half of the month, your ruling planet Mercury provides you with free-flowing conversations, and socialising is a breeze. With the full moon on the 18th comes a sense of fulfilment and possibly endings – you may feel you’ve come to the end of an important cycle in time for the new year.
21 June – 22 July

Relationships border on the karmic as Venus’ retrograde shines on your house of mystery and completion. Health and routine improves as Mars charges your energy for self-improvement. Later in the month you’re feeling reclusive – take some time to reflect and rest before you’re summoned back to the outside world for New Year’s celebrations!
23 July – 22 August

Luck is on your side this month and you’ll find things just fall into place – last minute gifts are a breeze and family arguments over the roast potatoes are laughed off. Your natural magnetism is obvious to all around you – expect an especially exciting New Year’s Eve, whether it’s a kiss, a dance with your best friends or a sweet message, the new year will be off to a bright start.
23 August – 22 September

December speeds past as you rush to accomplish everything on your to-do list. If you can fit it in, Venus urges you to venture out of your comfort zone to meet new people you’re destined to cross paths with. On the 4th, an uncharacteristic recklessness pushes you to Your family or home life may demand attention with a serious but solvable issue – use your powers of rationalisation to help get back on track.
23 September – 22 October

Early in the month your written communication skills are off the charts – perfect timing for those assessments! Your ruling planet Venus goes retrograde from the 19th, bringing up old emotions, arguments and (possibly) exes. You’ll likely have an opportunity to rekindle things, but ensure it’s really what you want before you go ahead.
23 October – 21 November

You’re ready to lead this month thanks to bold Mars boosting your confidence. If you’ve been stalling over a group project, know that you’re the best candidate to rally people together. The solar eclipse on the 4th brings luck to your finances – a job offer or promotion is on the cards! On the 13th, you’re keen to plan ahead with loved ones: maybe a trip for next summer?
Featured image: illustrations by Alice Proctor