By Rosie Angel-Clark, Wellbeing Editor
The Croft Magazine // The Croft's resident clairvoyant, Rosie Angel-Clark, unravels what the stars have in store for you this November.
22 November - 21 December

A whole congregation of planets gather in your sign this month, making it an intense and powerful time. The Sagittarius new moon and energetic solar eclipse on the 14th call for expansion, and your mind opens to new experiences, ideas and people. As the Sun radiates its warmth through your house of materiality, you’re more than ready for all the festive luxuries of the season!
22 December - 19 January

Early in the month you’re feeling reclusive. You may feel like you’ve reached the end of a cycle with something that no longer works for you – with several planets assembled in your house of completion, now is the right time to let go! As the Sun moves into your sign on the 21st, any confidence knocks you’ve felt this year fade and a fresh drive propels you onwards.
20 January - 18 February

A wild year comes to its end with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the 21st – in none other than your sign! Some say it’s the start of a new era, and who better to lead the revolution than you? Be ready for a shake-up – you’ll find the energy to make necessary changes happen. Saturn calls you to embrace your independence and release anything or anyone holding you back.
19 February - 20 March

Wistful conversations with friends about future plans, likely focused around travel, are a great source of optimism at the start of the month. The final full moon of the year on the 30th encourages you to take a risk with your love life. Maybe you’ll decide to send a slightly risky new years message to the person who’s been on your mind all year!
21 March - 19 April

The solar eclipse on the 14th fires up your beliefs. Don’t be surprised if you’re suddenly interested in a social issue you’d never noticed before! Your social life is on the up as Jupiter graces your house of friendships. Schedule video calls with friends you’ll miss over the holidays, and make the most of the possibilities wherever you’re spending the festive period.
20 April - 20 May

You may find yourself craving company as winter creeps in. Venus pulls you towards relationships; after the 15th someone is keen to treat you with the extravagance you secretly dream of. Future idealism sets in from the 17th, with Saturn encouraging you to expand your network and consider a new option – try that virtual careers fair and you might be unexpectedly inspired.
21 May - 20 June

Venus dances into your house of partnerships on the 15th, making the second half of the month perfect for balanced relationships. The emphasis is on having fun and shared ethics – it’s not the time to date someone outside of your political mindset! Any group projects will go smoothly thanks to your ruling planet Mercury’s slide into sociable Sagittarius.
21 June - 22 July

For the first half of the month, Venus dares you to seize a few more risks in relationships than you’re naturally inclined to take. Yours is the final full moon of the year (30th)! Look back to the first Cancer full moon of the year in January and recognise how far you’ve come. Enjoy the warm feelings of security this moon brings, and you’ll start the new year calm and prepared.
23 July - 22 August

Excitement rules your relationships this month. If you’ve been on the fence about putting yourself out there, Venus is pushing you to go for it! Fun, flirtation and romance come naturally and the planets are putting you right in the spotlight. From the 20th, you’re inspired to switch up the way you study – if you’re a bit stuck in your ways it’s time for a refresh.
23 August - 22 September

Early in the month, relationships are airy, easy and conversation-based – a lot of messages and phone calls are your focus. From the 15th, love is comfortable but tinged with excitement, so expect the unexpected! Your ruling planet Mercury draws out your discipline from the 20th – the days off you take will only focus your mind when it’s time to study.
23 September - 22 October

Career is a big focus for you this month. You may find yourself chatting to someone who becomes a useful contact. Your love life focuses on communication – maybe you’re messaging someone new, or finding new ways to stay in touch over the holidays. Venus encourages you to pick up the phone, and once you’ve done that, the rest flows naturally!
23 September - 22 October

Venus’ intensity wears off after the 15th, and any weight around relationships lifts, leaving a sense of adventure and daring. A team of planets warm up your house of generosity – if you’re stuck for the perfect present for your flat’s secret santa, you’re hit with inspiration (even if it is a little late)! Your intellectual powers skyrocket from the 20th, charging revision and research with productivity.
Featured Image: Unsplash / Shlomo Shaley
What do the stars have in store for you this month?