By Rosie Angel-Clark, The Croft Co-Editor-in-Chief
The Croft Magazine // The Croft’s resident clairvoyant reveals what the stars have in store for you this April.
21 March – 19 April

It’s your birthday season and you’re rejuvenated with a sense of excitement for what’s out there. This enthusiasm could lead you to splurge on something impractical – it might be worth budgeting at the start of the month! You may feel compelled to stand up for someone who’s being walked over. You’re a fierce advocate for your friends – they’re lucky to have you!
20 April – 20 May

Relationship stresses could get on top of you this month, but a close friend provides a supportive ear and you’re feeling optimistic in no time. April surprises you with an unusual spontaneity, and a last minute adventure could be on the cards. As the Sun moves into your sign on the 20th, you’re feeling more settled and peaceful, ready to conquer the last few months of term.
21 May – 20 June

Travel is one of your priorities this month: if you have time over the busy Easter holidays, a short trip could help you relax and sharpen your focus. Your moods are quite temperamental at the moment: let yourself feel your emotions, but also be aware of how those around you are affected. You hate petty arguments – so don’t let them spiral!
21 June – 22 July

After a slight health dip last month, April brings a peaceful but dynamic energy that helps you bounce back. Venus’ influence stirs a sense of courage, and if you’re looking for love, it’ll come from an intellectual connection. Unexpected expenses could come out of nowhere, and anyone moving house (or perhaps arranging next year’s flat) should be very aware of hidden costs.
23 July – 22 August

You don’t usually have a problem asserting yourself, but something about a close relationship is making you hide your powerful feelings. It’s good to be diplomatic, but don’t let someone walk all over you. The full moon on the 16th encourages your decadent side – treat yourself to that rave skincare item or try a new restaurant… you deserve it.
23 August – 22 September

The desire to hold everything and everyone you love close to you may be overwhelming this month, as Venus shines on your house of relationships. Showing your love is always a good thing, but try not to stifle your favourite people. If you’re looking for love, it’ll come hard and fast: unexpected infatuation could hit your heart faster than you thought possible.
23 September – 22 October

You might be hitting a milestone this month, perhaps celebrating an anniversary or coming to a realisation about where you want your work to take you. It’s all about patience, and your efforts are finally paying off in an area of study or work that you’ve been putting your all into – get ready for some well-earned recognition!
23 October – 21 November

Poor communication and fluctuating moods could be hindering your studies, work and relationships this month, and misunderstandings are rife. Sitting down and working out what you need is the best place to start: the last thing you want is presentation stress due to a messenger mix-up! Mars’ fiery energy both inspires and riles you: channel it to your advantage and you’ll be sending out all those smouldering vibes!
22 November – 21 December

Your friends are your driving force this month, and you’re reluctant to leave the party behind, even if you know you must (exams and dissertations won’t write themselves!). You’re hit with an unhelpful feeling of restlessness – but with a bit of planning (ask your best Virgo friend to help you out here), you’ll be on track for hitting all those deadlines.
22 December – 19 January

Early in the month you’re feeling dedicated and methodical with your work, but remember to rest or you could hit a wall later. Where wires may have been getting crossed for you and a partner or loved one early in the month, by the time the full moon on the 16th rolls around any issues will be ironed out – expect a potentially intense conversation that will clear the air.
20 January – 18 February

Your focus is on co-operation this month, but others around you may not be so enlightened. Keeping your cool will help soothe any tensions in your flat or friendship group, and by the time the gentle full moon rises on the 16th everything will feel much more personable. Thoughts about your future plans may be a source of stress, but just remember none of us really know where we’re headed.
19 February – 20 March

A host of planets stir up your studious side and your vision tunnels to focus. With such intense study can come burnout: don’t overdo it or shut yourself away. From the 20th, you’re feeling more relaxed and able to let others in as the Sun moves into your house of communication, reminding you that relationships can get you through the most intense times.
Featured image: illustrations by Alice Proctor