Film and TV A Son is a beautiful but ultimately uninspiring directorial debut , and Siavash Minoukadeh 23 December 2019
Film and TV Watershed French Film Festival: Portrait of a Lady on Fire , and Siavash Minoukadeh 22 December 2019
Film and TV Four winter romcoms that are better than Love, Actually , and Ellie Brown 17 December 2019
Film and TV The best Christmas films that aren’t really about Christmas , and Aaron Wilkinson 15 December 2019
Film and TV Battle of the Christmas films: It’s a Wonderful Life vs Nativity! , and Epigram Film and TV 14 December 2019
Film and TV Why French films still have that je ne sais quoi , and Siavash Minoukadeh 9 December 2019
Film and TV Charlie’s Angels is an ultimately entertaining waste of potential , and Lilia Sebouai 6 December 2019
Film and TV The Nightingale is one of the last good films of the decade , and Epigram Film and TV 5 December 2019
Film and TV French Film and Filmmaker Favourites , and Epigram Film and TV , and Daisy Lacey , and Ellie Fernyhough 4 December 2019
Film and TV Vice is an easy watching crash course relatable to UK politics , and Epigram Film and TV 3 December 2019