By Olivia Andrews, Style Sub-editor
The Croft Magazine // Style Sub-editor, Olivia Andrews speaks to Ollie Lloyd about how he contributed to Movember this year.
'Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide.'
UoB Movember effort surpasses £40,000

A few months ago, mental health took the life of Ollie's school teammate, Zak McMorran.
'Movember this year personally had more gravity.' Following Zak's devastating passing, Ollie decided to get involved.
Losing someone to suicide can be extremely difficult. If you feel affected by suicide, support is available from Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) at 0300 111 5065 (available 9am to 9pm). Mind states that 'Talking through difficult emotions and talking about the person who died can be helpful in processing the loss.'
As vice president of rugby team, Clifton Crusaders, he had the collective support of his fellow players. However, Ollie managed to independently raise an impressive £50 and modestly claimed, 'My contribution was pretty nominal compared to some of the crazy efforts that some of those who were close to Zak managed to achieve.' The 18 members of the Clifton Crusaders raised a mighty £1,400 towards the Movember cause. Congratulations boys!
Ollie wanted to mention the impressive efforts of friend, Nick Jones, who was close to Zak and is one of Bristol's own, who raised an impressive £500!
In the memory of much-loved Zak, staggeringly over £53,000 has so far been raised collectively to commemorate his life.
Ollie proudly asserts, 'all the people involved should be incredibly proud of how they have managed to honour his memory in such a beneficial way!'
Ollie also wanted to 'highlight how well the guys have done in honouring Zak, especially in a way that is going to benefit so many people. And to my own Crusaders boys as well, for getting involved in raising money for this incredibly important cause'.
If you would like to donate in memory of Zak, or see the boys' attempts in growing out a 'tache, visit here.
Epigram sends our deepest condolences to Zak's family and to all those who were close with him.
Opinion | Movember 2020 - the most important moustache you'll ever grow
You do not have to struggle with difficult feelings alone.
Help and support is available 24/7 for everyone at the Samaritans - call 116 123, for men at Calm - call 0800 58 58 58 (5pm to midnight daily), and for people under 35 at Papyrus - call 0800 068 41 41 or text 07860 039967 (from 9am to midnight daily).
For mental health crisis support visit Shout or text 85258.
In emergencies, please call 999.
If you are worried about someone else, the NHS suggests asking open-ended questions such as "how do you feel about...?", and to listen to them. If someone is in immediate danger, call 999. Rethink provides helpful advice on supporting someone who has suicidal thoughts, and says not to 'ignore your gut feeling if you are concerned about someone'.
Featured image: Epigram/Morgan Collins