By Jess Chinn, Third Year, English and Classical Studies
The Croft Magazine // Spooky season is upon us, and so comes the scariest night of the year (for your neighbours that is) but with a pandemic at large and government rules in place restricting the usual house parties and club nights, it’s time to be creative and find some alternative ways to celebrate Halloween!
1. Creepy cocktails

Just because you can’t go out doesn’t mean you can’t get drunk enough to be haunted by one hell of a hangover. Why not throw a spooky cocktail night for your flat or five of your favourite people! My personal recommendations are: Bloody Mary, Raspberry Daiquiri, or my own favourite concoction of ice, grenadine, vanilla vodka and Coke that I like to call The Sweet Sinner.
2. Movie madness

If alcohol is not your thing, why not go for a classic horror movie marathon. Netflix has a wide selection ranging from the slightly unsettling all the way up to sleeping-with-the-lights-on-terrifying. I’m three episodes deep into The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020) and you can officially call me creeped out. Posh British children, creepy dolls and an absolutely massive country house – five star spookiness right there.
Here are just a few ideas for horrors, thrillers and Halloween classics which are sure to be crowd pleasers: The Purge (2013), A Quiet Place (2018), Coraline (2009), Birdbox (2018), Beetlejuice (1988), Midsommar (2019), The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), The Witches (1990) and It (2017).
3. Retro party
Still not the night for you? Horror just a tad too scary? Perhaps it’s time go a little bit retro and bring out some of those Halloween games which were the height of fun at age fourteen? Think Apple Bobbing, Donut on a String, Toilet Roll Mummy Wrap and Pin the Nose on the Clown. *shudders*
4. Costume competitions
Are you feeling competitive yet? Try amping up the night with some friendly contests.
Who can carve the best, or worst, pumpkin? (*Warning!* Carve with care; vodka and knives aren’t the best combination!) Who can dress in the scariest, or sexiest, costume?
Girls, let’s break out the bodycon dresses, devil horns and glitter. Guys, get those joker smiles ready. Also, one shot for every person you see on Instagram dressed as Trump or Boris Johnson, I’m predicting there may be more than a few this year!
Regardless of how you spend your evening, I hope you all have a very happy Halloween.
Featured: Unplash / David Menidrey
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