By Dulcie Godfrey, Arts Digital Editor
Reimagined for the digital world, a flurry of exciting speakers and musicians, and amazing artists join Bristol Uni Boob team’s ExhiBOOBtion on Instagram.
For those unawares, this is Bristol Uni Boob Teams (representatives of CoppaFeel, a breast cancer awareness charity) 3rd annual event. In pre-COVID times, this would involve bringing together the best boob themed artists, spoken word poets and singers from across the UK in a day of fun in the SU Anson rooms (their first event raised £1506!).
This year, the ExhiBOOBtion takes to the world as an Instagram Makers Market where Bristol artists (local and student) will exhibit their work, give demos, and talk about setting up small businesses (5% of all proceeds will go to CoppaFeel.). See a full lineup of artists and companies here!

Twelve pieces of art, specially made for the ExhiBOOBtion, will be sold at a silent online auction will be held this Sunday April 25th and last for a week. I don't know about you, but I love boob art, and the opportunity to purchase something original and donate to charity is a win-win.
The auction will take place via google forms where you can pick the items you want to bid on and how much you’re willing to bid, stay tuned on @exhiboobtion2021 on Instagram for more information.

Despite restrictions, the Bristol Uni Boob Team are dedicated to making this event as dynamic and exciting as possible, and the line up doesn't disappoint. After an intro from the CoppaFeel HQ, further speakers such as Mouthy Magazine will take to the Instagram Live to help break down and normalise taboo topics.
A music set from The Choco La's, also on the Instagram Live, is something not to be missed; and more attendees include Books that Matter (@booksthatmatteruk) to give us reading reccomendations, something I am personally really excited for.
I've bought their book subscriptions as gifts for friends, and I'm always insanely jealous, not only of the books they recieve but the items from women-owned small businesses included in their boxes.

It's an event not to be missed, in my opinion. It is a hugely important cause, and who doesn't love boob art! Follow the instragram page to stay updated, (@exhiboobtion2021) and see the ExhiBOOBtion site for more information.
Featured Image: Bristol Uni Boob Team
Will you be attending?