Arts 'It's always about turning something dark and traumatic into something beautiful' - dressed. interview , and Gabi Spiro 19 March 2019
Arts Career catastrophe? How to break into the arts , and Alina Young , and Anna Trafford 12 March 2019
Arts An 'energetic, optimistic phenomenon' - Chicago @ the Winston Theatre , and George Ruskin 21 February 2019
Arts Books in brief: Quickfire reviews in 30 words or fewer , and Hope Riley , and Siavash Minoukadeh , and Imogen Howse , and Nora Gunn , and Clodagh Chapman 20 February 2019
Arts 'Upbeat, sociable and different' - Helicon's ROOTS issue launch @ 123Space , and Hudi Charin 17 February 2019