By April Whitworth, Theano Dimopoulou and Jasmine Catto
The Croft Magazine // Three writers share their perspective on lockdown routines and how beneficial it can be to have some structure to your day in these turbulent times.
April Whitworth
Hi, I’m April, and here’s a little bit about my lockdown routine. During the pandemic, I try to stick to a fairly regular routine as I find it promotes some sense of structure amidst all the chaos!
I try to get up at a regular time each day, usually around 8am. The first thing I do is meditate whilst writing down my manifestations, affirmations, gratitudes, and daily tasks; this puts me in a good mindset for the day! Afterwards, I make my *first* coffee and have a snuggle with my (very excited) pup – here’s a picture from her first birthday celebrations this week!

As a final year, I spend a lot of time either studying or doing ‘career stuff’. Otherwise, I’m usually writing pieces for various platforms. I actually prefer working for long blocks of time, but I do try to take a few minutes break for lunch, usually by watching some Netflix or reading. This is my current book:

As another break, I go for an afternoon walk with a podcast or some music. I’m very lucky to live in the countryside, so it doesn’t take me long to get into nature.
Once I’ve finished working, I cook dinner for my family. I’ve been enjoying finding new recipes recently, and cooking is a great creative outlet, especially after reading and writing all day. Here was a risotto I made last night (I’m aware I need to work on my presentation!).

After dinner, I usually chill with family, read, or write some more. In a time where life can be repetitive, it’s important to have small things to look forward to, even if it’s as small as a takeout or a call with a friend.
I hope this little insight into my day gave you some inspiration. Remember that every day that passes is a day closer to freedom! Take care x
Theano Dimopoulou
We might have already been through two lockdowns, but this does not make the third one any more relaxed. Actually, many people are finding this round even more challenging for both their physical and mental health. One crucial thing to consider in trying to achieve a bit of normality and happiness is routine.
An area I have had a hard time managing is my sleep schedule. Because of the lack of structure, I found myself binging shows and wasting time until 3 or 4am. Understandably, I then ended up waking up past noon. I quickly realised how life-changing keeping your body clock on track can be.
I felt more energised and motivated, and more inspired to do things. I was able to achieve this by setting a particular time for going to bed and getting up. Another thing that helped me stay on top of things and not stay in my bed or couch all day was getting properly dressed. Changing out of joggers and putting on a little bit of makeup has definitely done more for my attitude than I thought it would.
Jasmine Catto
Rise n’ shine
The first thing I do when I get out of bed in the morning (and this is something I swear by) is make my bed. Whilst partially to fight the temptation to crawl back into it, I also find this simple accomplishment initiates a healthy mentality for the day – tidy room, tidy mind!
Exercise = Endorphins
Exercising is a key part of my lockdown routine – it gives my day a kick-start and a boost of productivity! Exercise can take any form but for me, it’s usually a fast run (typically blasting some 2000s hits), followed by a stretch.
Another reason I work out in the morning is it means that I shower and get dressed early on in the day. Like making my bed, I find completing a small task like getting dressed each day does wonders for my efficiency in lockdown.
Food for fuel then work work work
After breakfast, I hit the desk. Personally, I prefer to work in the day and keep my evenings free, so I spend my day doing uni work, fuelled by lots of tea and snacks of course!
I also make sure to get my breaks in and spend them doing something I enjoy, like a quick walk and a natter with a friend.
Post-dins downtime
Evenings are my favourite time of day to unwind. Once I’ve finished dinner and completed my work for the day, I spend my evening relaxing.

For me, this involves a good movie, a long bubbly soak in the tub or some form of self-care, like nail painting or a face mask. (Oh, and on the weekends a glass or two of vino is definitely involved!)
Featured image: Epigram / Jasmine Catto