Arts 'It’s time for the rules of the arts world to change' - Maisie Williams on her new artist networking app, Daisie , and Yasmin Inkersole 15 February 2019
Arts Leonardo da Vinci's sketches visit Bristol - 'A Life in Drawing' @ Bristol Museum & Art Gallery , and Miranda Smith 11 February 2019
Arts The natural, the fabricated and the green environment - Do-IY Collective 002 @ Centrespace , and Miranda Smith 10 February 2019
Arts "Pursuing a passion makes things more interesting" - Alex Kitson on the Bristol comedy circuit and jokes which fall flat , and Joseph Draper 8 February 2019
Arts "It was not about the points, but about the poetry" - UoB takes on UniSlam , and Nora Gunn 6 February 2019
Arts 'Strangely beautiful & deeply symbolic' - The Blazing World @ Spike Island , and Charles S Harrison 29 January 2019