By Emily Lidgard, Second Year, English
The Croft Magazine // When was the last time you did something just for yourself? Many of us struggle to answer that question. In the midst of university deadlines, essays and socialising, it leaves little time for us to spend on ourselves. What are some of the best ways to tune out the stress and relax?
Yet, it can be difficult to navigate how to spend time on yourself; we are consistently bombarded with gimmicky self-care tips ranging from extravagant, exotic-sounding skincare to vague, new-Age mantras. Rather than cycling through hackneyed habits that most dedicated goop followers would struggle to complete, let’s look at some of the strangest, secret self-care tips to get you feeling better instantly.

The phrase ‘Dance like nobody’s watching’ may be a cliché but it’s a cliché with good reason. Exercise can have powerful effects on people’s mental wellbeing: studies show that those who participate in daily physical activity have a 20-30% lower risk of depression and dementia. Stray from the clinical gyms or aggressive sports matches and spend a few minutes in your morning to feel the music, get in touch with your body and get creative! It’s not the self-conscious, performed dancing from night’s out but instead fresh, loose, and lively.
Taking yourself for a date
Consider the amount of energy we give to romantic partners or even friends. Most of us dedicate ourselves to making them happy almost semi-religiously with perfectly planned dates. Though it sounds odd, try to conserve some of this energy and instead, re-centre it on your own wellness for a little while. It’s about performing the ritual of a date and finding comfort in your own company. So, go out to the theatre or the museum, buy yourself some flowers and treat yourself to a beautiful day.
Retreating to the natural world
With the massive rise of ‘cottage core’ emerging in 2020, who can argue that nature is back in a big way? And two years on, it’s obvious that it’s with good reason. Activities include everything from pressing flowers to growing plants to feeding birds and animals. These natural activities inspire in us a sense of caring, a feeling of growth and renewal, and an offline, tangible connection to the environment. Join me in disconnecting from the hectic nature of life for an hour or two and discover the world around you in a meditative walk.
Featured Image: Unsplash/Jackson David
What are some ways you unwind? Let us know!