Film and TV Brexit: The Uncivil War is a genre mish-mash attempting to delve deep into the real life referendum campaigns , and Ewan Bissell 29 March 2019
Entertainment South African Spook Hunter is filled with all the right moral spirits , and Ewan Bissell 19 February 2019
Entertainment Vice defies biopic traditions and descends into cinematic madness , and Ewan Bissell 2 February 2019
Entertainment Holmes & Watson deduced to be murderer of good comedy , and Ewan Bissell 1 January 2019
Entertainment First Man snubbed in multiple categories - the Golden Globe nominations broken down , and Ewan Bissell 18 December 2018
Entertainment Leave No Trace successfully portrays how the mind changes after traumatic events , and Ewan Bissell 11 December 2018
Entertainment The Girl in the Spider's Web is a thrilling ride, but not much more , and Ewan Bissell 19 November 2018