Film and TV French Film and Filmmaker Favourites , and Epigram Film and TV , and Daisy Lacey , and Ellie Fernyhough 4 December 2019
Film and TV Bojack Horseman season 6 is a fitting end to the bizarre nihilistic series , and Ellie Fernyhough 6 November 2019
Entertainment How film and TV series have highlighted specific, diagnosable mental illnesses , and Epigram Film and TV , and James Saunders , and Ellie Fernyhough , and Sophy Leys Johnston , and Milo Clenshaw 30 November 2018
Music Review / SN#6: Chicken Picnic, Drug Store Romeos, Zebrafi & Jemima Coulter , and Ellie Fernyhough 5 June 2018