By Various former Junior Residents
A group of 2018/19 Junior Residents have written an open letter on the issues they encountered with the new ResiLife system last year.
The intention of this letter is to highlight the shortcomings of the imposed Residential Life (ResiLife) system. This unpopular and dysfunctional scheme, implemented at the start of the last academic year as a consolidation measure, was designed as a successor to the Warden system that had operated in our Halls for decades. Now that even more systems and procedures have been placed under the Resilife banner, we feel we must speak up.
Nobody denies that the old Warden system required fundamental improvements, and we commend ResiLife’s actions regarding student pastoral support where it does great work. However, when it comes to the JCR Committees, ResiLife increased bureaucracy, shifted financial liabilities onto students on the JCR Committee, and made the jobs of Committee members infinitely harder. During Welcome Week in September 2018, some previous Committees found organising events to be a lot harder than in the past, a fact they ascribed to the new system in place.
'Nobody denies that the old Warden system required fundamental improvements.'
The majority of Committee members spend several hours a week on JCR-related tasks, including planning events for residents, organising meetings and dealing with financial and administrative work. Students volunteer to do this, often for little public recognition, because they believe in serving the residents who elected them to the best of their abilities. A demanding job even in the best of circumstances, it was made far more challenging thanks to the failings of the system over the year. This is often to the detriment of academic and social commitments, and to members’ mental health.
As members of our Hall’s JCR committee, we have seen first-hand the effects of these changes and have a deep understanding of the problems. It is clear to us that what some called 'teething problems' were deep-rooted issues and for this reason, we urge fundamental changes.
'It is clear to us that what some called 'teething problems' were deep-rooted issues and for this reason, we urge fundamental changes.'
In light of the new system’s many and varied flaws, we believe the following reforms are necessary:
All of us want the Halls and the JCR Committees to succeed, but we cannot succeed under the current administration. Once again, the news that ResiLife is being given even more responsibility, this time over catering bookings, means that we can no longer stay silent.
We hope that this letter is well received by the University management and taken in the serious and constructive spirit with which it is intended. We feel that our input would be effective in addressing potential remedies to the current system’s problems, and we would be very happy to engage in dialogue with the University to this end.
This letter was endorsed by the JCR Committees of: Clifton Hill House, Manor Hall, Northwell House, Orchard Heights, Winkworth Hall.
It has been edited for suitability to be published by Epigram.
Featured Image: Epigram / Patrick Sullivan
Did you have a different experience as a JCR last year? Let us know!