By Zoë Crowther, Students' Union Correspondent
The candidates for full-time officer positions and chairs of SU networks are campaigning across campus, with voting now open until 9pm on Thursday 14 March this week.
Every student who votes get ten per cent off in Balloon Bar for the whole of March. You can find where to vote by following this link.
The results will be announced on Friday between 6-8pm in the Balloon Bar.
Full-time officers are employed by the SU to represent students on a number of issues, as well as collaborating with student networks, societies and campaigns and lobbying the University to make changes.
Network chairs work part-time in a voluntary capacity and are responsible for running representative networks, ranging from Women's Network to RAG, Volunteering and Sustainability.
Here is your summary of the candidates for the full-time officer positions:
Union Affairs Officer
This role represents students in terms of how they interact with Bristol SU through democracy, communications and services, and leads on support for societies, volunteering and RAG.
Image: Bristol SU
Current Union Affairs Officer Stanford helped to set up the SU Living Room in Senate House, opened in December 2018.
Beth Mulley
Julio Mkok
Max Langer
Nachan Fujiwara
Postgraduate Education Officer
This role represents postgraduate taught and research students on academic and welfare matters.
Image: Epigram / Cameron Scheijde
Current officer Shubham Singh recently held a consultation on whether grades should be announced during the graduation ceremonies.
Chris Brasnett
Jackline Some
Martha Herrera Bonilla
Vaibhav Gokhale
Undergraduate Education Officer
This role represents undergraduate students on academic and welfare matters.
Nasra Ayub, the current Undergraduate Officer, recently organised and held a panel event on 'Being Black in Academia' in an effort to champion diversity across academic careers.
Image: Bristol SU
Hillary Gyebi-Ababio
Michael Natzler
Mehul Pasari
Student Living Officer
This role represents students on accommodation, finance, and wellbeing issues, as well as on their interaction with the local community.
Current Student Living Officer Vanessa Wilson worked with the University and other groups on the Mental Health Strategy, and has collaborated with the BBC for her housing campaign 'My Rent My Rights.'
George Bemrose
Karan Gupta
Millie Mark
Ruth Day
Tom Parry
Sport and Student Development Officer
This role represents students on sport, exercise and health issues, as well as on issues relating to students' personal development.
Sports Officer Ginny Troughton launched the This Girl Can 2018 campaign, and has worked to expand the #WeAreBristol community and engage a diverse range of students in sport.
Amy Brook
Antoine Macquet
Marlo Boyd
Equality, Liberation and Access Officer
This role represents students on equality, diversity and widening participation issues, and ensures that all students’ voices are represented within the SU and University.
Current ELA Officer Sally Patterson set up a working group to review the University's sexual violence procedures, and recently launched Bristol's first Interfaith Week.
Image: Epigram / Niamh Rowe
Catreya Mably
Jason Palmer
Lois Plummer
International Students Officer
This role represents international students on all aspects of the international student experience.
International Students Officer is a new position for 2019-20, with the aim of improving the experience of international students in both academic and pastoral matters.
Adriana Molinares Gomez
Duaa Alim
Hadya Shawky
Julius Ogayo
Shailaja Tallam Laxman
Srusti Thakur
Featured Image: Epigram / Zoë Crowther