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Stude​nt rent strike is to go ahead

Over 100 students have pledged to join, so a rent strike organised by Bristol, Cut the Rent is set to take place.

By Zoë Crowther, Students' Union Correspondent

Over 100 students have pledged to join, so a rent strike organised by Bristol, Cut the Rent is set to take place.

Since the University has failed to meet a set of demands brought to them by Cut the Rent in early March, the campaign group is calling for further action which could see at least 100 University halls residents withholding rent.

In a statement posted on Facebook, Cut the Rent said: 'Over the last 3 years of the Cut the Rent campaign, the University have consistently ignored our demands for affordable halls. Whereas average halls rent is £30pw above the national average. Only 1% of beds are at or below half the maximum maintenance loan.

'After the University ignored our petition signed by over 600 members of the University community, we called a rent strike - where students living in University-owned halls pledge to withhold their rent if 100 other students join them.

'Over 100 students have pledged to join the rent strike so the strike will be going ahead if the University don’t listen to our demands. We are tired of being ignored and exploited by this University, and we are taking a stand for decent and affordable housing for all students.'

Cut the Rent specifically called out for student living in halls to join the strike. Epigram shall provide further information on the details of the rent strike as the situation develops.

Featured Image: Bristol, Cut the Rent

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