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Mind the Flat: a student podcast to muse on

Online Editor Hannah Worthington reviews newly founded podcast, Mind the Flat, a weekly source of humour and intellectual stimulation from three students who record in their BS1 flat

By Hannah Worthington, Online Editor

Online Editor Hannah Worthington reviews newly founded podcast Mind the Flat, a weekly source of humour and intellectual stimulation from three students who record in their BS1 flat.

Since their debut in December of 2018, three students, Amy, Chris and Tom, have been producing weekly podcasts alongside their final year of study. 18 podcasts have since been released, and their audience are ever growing.

Keen to be attuned to the hype, I started listening in desperate need to replenish my spare time with thought provoking and at times, hilarious content, rather than my continuous social media scrolling (for more on this, just head to podcast #6).

Their topics, often sent in by listerners, are debated in threefold between Amy, Tom and Chris, and comprise of both the humourous and the provocative. From discussions of 'veganism v vegetarianism v meat eating', and the impacts of social media, to lighthearted conversations on common student housing struggles - in particular, how much toilet paper we should be using (spoiler: one sheet per use), the podcast is abundant with speculative starting points. If you like an activity where you can both unwind whilst still feel like you are learning something - this is a podcast you will love.

A personal favourite of mine, 'Show Me the Monet', discusses the groups favourite artworks whilst later chatting about the importance of funding in the Arts. Although Chris sorely butchers the 'Monet' pun at the beginning of the episode, it calls on the question as to whether Universities should continue to charge arts and students the same prices for degrees - and it makes for brilliant transparent conversation.

Perhaps a little lengthy if you're only looking for a short burst, and at times humourously digressional, the episodes usually run for half an hour and can make for a worthwhile break in the lib.

If you are looking for a new podcast and equally like finding new student creatives, Mind the Flat, with their witty titles and homemade tracks, are the first place to look.

Featured Image: Mind the Flat

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