By Ruby Rogers, Third Year English
Ahead of their forthcoming debut album ‘Backhand Deals’ due 25th February, epigram catches up with Tom Rees of Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard.
Congratulations on the upcoming release of ‘Backhand Deals’ – which track is your favourite?
We've released six singles, but my favourite track from the record has to be ‘Break Right In’. I listen back to it now and I can't believe I've written that track. I was just very proud of it and thought, well, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to write something like that again – but that’s also fine.
It’s undeniable that you embody a sound reminiscent of some classic rock legends like Thin Lizzy and T-Rex – but how would you describe your sound?
I think all I want to say to people is that we are a rock band – like we're just a rock band! I think there's a real big thing at the moment with like people perceiving rock music as this kind of like political and revolutionary voices that speaks of the issues of the masses and stuff, but I can’t help but feel like people just need to relax, it’s just rock and it doesn’t need to be like that”.

‘New Age Millenial Magic’ from the album is one of my favourites – what inspired the track?
My routine of just putting out my recycling and feeling weirdly accomplished because of it – I had to stop myself and think about what was actually going on there. I read that 80% of recycling ends up in a landfill anyway, it’s a weird one. Just sort of coming to the realisation that so many millennials have this almost ultra-virtuous mentality and feel as if they're really helping society. I guess I feel as if we've been sold a dream in our childhoods – we were lied to, but we've also been lying to ourselves.
Following the release of ‘Backhand Deals’ later this month, what can fans get excited for over the next 12 months?
I think after the album is put out we’ll probably get cracking on either another record or a little EP. I think it’s a really important time after an artist has released their first record – to not stop there or enter a hiatus. So more music I guess. We’re really lucky as we have our own recording studio, so hopefully we can get back in there and start writing. I just hope I’m not prevented by writer’s block! But aside from writing and recording, we're excited to be playing some cool shows.
Over the last 2 years there have been huge losses across the live music industry – as things get back to normal, what festival stages are you looking forward to getting back on?
I'd love to play End of The Road, though we haven't had an offer yet. Green Man too – we played it last summer and it was amazing. It's definitely my favourite festival, I’d love to play that every year till the day I die. We played the Glastonbury introducing stage in 2019, so we’d love to head back there too.

Who would be on your dream festival lineup – dead or alive?
Difficult but great question. If we are talking a three to four day set of headliners it would have to be Steely Dan, Peter Gabriel, Gerry Rafferty and the Eagles.
Having produced for other artists in and around Cardiff, which artists from Wales should more people be talking about?
The Bug Club for sure. They are a fantastic, fantastic band, and I don't actually think more people should be talking about them given that they have just sold out their UK tour, but they definitely deserve more success. I recently started working with a band from Cardiff called Private World too, who just signed a deal in America. Their work ethic and dedication have been really inspiring for me. I really appreciated their processes in the studio and how focused they are. They released a record a while ago, it’s fantastic.
Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard's debut album drops on the 25th of February. You can catch them at Thekla on the 13th of April. Tickets are available here.
Featured image: Lily Brown
Are you excited for ‘Backhand Deals’?