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From sit ups to burpees the UBNC preseason had it all

A run down of UBNC's gruelling preseason

Image Courtesy of Chantelle Wopara

By Ava Featon, English Literature First Year

For the hardworking athletes at the University of Bristol’s Netball Club, Christmas finished a week earlier than their fellow classmates. Tearing themselves away from the luxury of their family homes and the endless supply of sweet treats, Christmas was over, and they were left to face the challenge that is preseason. Training throughout the week beginning the 6th UBNC were pushed to the limit.  

The UBNC preseason, led by head coach Chantelle Wopara, is no joke. The athletes completed five and a half hours of training per day covering a variety of technical, tactical and psychological aspects of the game.

Arriving at the Indoor Sports Centre at 10:30 the team prepared themselves for an hour and a half court session. Completing sessions at this length and longer during the season, the girls are no strangers to a lengthy training period. The morning sessions focused more on general fitness and technical ability. Wopara put the athletes through their paces with several drills solely based on continuous running combined with multiple tough exercises such as press ups, sit ups and burpees. Also focusing on the technical side to netball, the squad completed many different drills each tackling a different technical element. Including practicing short and long leads and having the confidence to feed a long ball to reward a drive that creates depth to open the court. The team also worked on some footwork and basic passing drills to keep their foundational skills ticking over.  

Courtesy of Ava Featon

Having built up sweat in the morning, the athletes were rewarded with a nutritious meal courtesy of the kitchen staff up in Coomb Dingle. Refilling their engines but also encouraging integration between different teams, the group lunch was a highlight of the athlete's day. Being provided with a nutrient packed lunch is essential for these athletes to undergo such intense training. Libby Rowe, the first team’s vice captain spoke to the Epigram

"Preseason is such a good way to get back into training and a good routine. Doing some strength-based sessions alongside court sessions mean we're feeling ready to start the season again and it's always good to see each other after a break. It's a really good way to make sure we can re-build connections on court and start matches in the best position possible."

After refuelling their bodies, the club moved on to refuel their minds too. Between 13:00 to 14:00 the girls undertake psychology sessions that magnify the importance of mental resilience when it comes to playing high level sport. Connor Grant, our resident sport psychologist here at the University of Bristol gave the girls a safe space to talk over anything psychology related. From mantras to mentality, Grant was a huge influence for getting the girls into the correct mindset for the upcoming rest of the season. Covering topics such as the Netball Academy’s acronym ‘TEAM’ meaning ‘together everyone achieves more,’ Grant pushed the athletes to understand the importance of how a strong individual mentality will lead to a winning team.  

Courtesy of Ava Featon

Shortly after taking on Grant’s words of wisdom, at 14:00 the girls would head to the gym to pump some iron. Lead by the amazing Samara Nche the teams attended four gym sessions throughout the week. Two of the sessions focusing on the lower body and the second half focusing on the upper body. Each session the athletes performed exercises that were tailored to building muscle and strengthening the core, all with the overall aim to improve their individual netball performance. Nche fosters a hardworking yet inclusive environment in her gym which allowed the girls to truly push themselves over the course of the preseason.  

Courtesy of Ava Featon

Finally, the team finishes off the day with an evening session from 20:00 to 22:00 focused mostly on tactical skills and match play. Wopara continued to train the athletes hard whilst emphasising the tactical skills needed to not only win matches but to win them convincingly. The first half of the sessions consisted of a few physical fitness drills followed by a lot of high intensity ball work to push the athletes into fatigue. Doing this so when they get to match play, her athletes will be able to replicate real match-like conditions. Finishing the session with around 45minutes of match play the teams battled and pushed each other to their limits all in preparation for the challenging second half of the season ahead.  

Wopara's comment on the January preseason

"Our very first January preseason was incredible. Plenty of players made the early trip back after Christmas and enjoyed a fantastic week of court sessions, s&c and psych workshops. Its midway through the season for most teams and this training could prove pivotal. I can't wait to see what the 2nds put out in their cup match on the 15th v Cardiff Met 3s. Let's go!!"

Wopara is hoping that the hard work that has been put in across the tough week of preseason will help her teams to maintain their spots in their competitive leagues. But most importantly, it will help the University 2's in their pursuit of promotion which they have been chasing throughout the season. Go UBNC! 

Featured image: Chantelle Wopara
