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Five Free Gigs to Get You Through Exam Season

Stressed for the looming exam season? Trade your desk for a dancefloor without breaking the bank.

By Ruby Butler, Second Year Classical Studies

If you're feeling the weight of exam season, but you're not about to break the bank on therapy or ChatGPT Premium, then we've tracked down five gigs in Bristol where you can jam your stress away for free – because the only thing you should be paying right now is attention (to your notes). Swap an all-nighter at the ASS for a sweaty crowd, sticky floors and great music – your notes will still be there when you get back.

Ye Olde Jams @ The Old England

Montpelier's favourite music pub is home to their Community Jam Collective (Ye Olde Jams) every Tuesday, showcasing some of the best and most authentic live music Bristol has to offer. Bring your own instruments or simply watch, and if you think yelling into a mic will help you relieve some of that pent-up stress, then you're welcome to elbow your way to the stage and have at it – as long as your public breakdown has got some rhythm. Doors are at 18:00 and finishes at 23:30.

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Eat-Girls @ The Lanes

It's time to channel your inner Big Lebowski, don your bathrobe, and head to Bristol's favourite bowling alley/music venue, The Lanes, for one of their many upcoming gigs – where the first 150 tickets are free. You can see the likes of Tugboat Captain (30th April), Yowl (3rd May) and The Klittens (13th May), but a must-see is Eat-Girls and Regina Collage on the 9th of May. There's nothing more cathartic for releasing exam stress than a dose of female rage-infused post-punk synth-pop. Doors are at 19:30.

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Zubieta and the Suaves @ The Canteen

Throughout exam season, Stokes Croft's beloved venue, The Canteen, are set to host a series of free gigs and jams. Put your stressed student mind at ease with the calming bossa nova melodies of Zubieta and the Suaves (21st May, 21:30), or if you've got a housemate who's a keen beatboxer and getting on your last nerve, send him to the Cypher Space hip-hop jam (5th May/first Monday of every month). For housemates prone to spontaneous scatting, prescribe them free monthly jazz sessions (7th May/first Wednesday of every month).

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The Slimline Shufflers @ The Ill Repute

The Slimline Shufflers have taken up a monthly residency at Bristol's infamous dive bar, where on the 10th May they'll be showcasing bluesy beats straight from New Orleans for free. Swing-dance the stress away – who needs rhythm when you've got a craft beer in hand. Doors are at 16:00, finishing at 23:30.

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PM LeGrand @ The Fringe

Clifton's cosiest cult-favourite pub is set to host a free gig with cowboy-countryman PM LeGrand on the 18th May, so get ready to have your stress put into perspective with some Johnny Cash tunes (it's just exams, babe – at least you haven't shot a man in Ren). The pub's in walking distance from campus, so no excuses. Doors are at 18:00.

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Featured Image: Aditi Hrisheekesh

Which gig would you want to see?
