By Milan Perera, Deputy Editor
With echoes of celebratory cheers from the A-level results announcements still resonating from around the country, the University of Bristol is preparing to welcome its newest year group for the academic year 2023/2024. University of Bristol received over 61,000 applications for 6,700 undergraduate places for a wide range of disciplines.
The University of Bristol administration team is gearing up for a busy period as the University community is about to embrace an incoming cohort that promises to bring fresh perspectives and talents.
The results of the A-level 2023 have undoubtedly showcased the remarkable prowess of the next generation of university students with a wide array of achievements spanning subjects as diverse as mathematics, literature, sciences, and arts.

The overall results for 2023 indicated that the proportion of A or A* grades is 27.2 per cent down from a peak of 44.8 per cent during the pandemic. The fall was steepest in England. According to the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), 79 per cent of those receiving results gained a place at their first-choice university.

Speaking to Epigram, Rob King, Headmaster at St. Bede’s College, Bristol said:
‘Having had their GCSE exams cancelled in 2021, the last two years have been extremely challenging for this year’s Year 13. The students and their teachers have worked so hard to overcome these complications, further develop a passion for their subjects and prepare well for the summer examinations. It is then extremely pleasing to see them rewarded for their character and resilience with outstanding grades today.’
At St. Bede’s, over 62 per cent of students achieved at least B grade or higher. And the results for A* - B grades stood at 50 per cent. Among the higher achievers was Laurie Fleming with one A* and three As, hoping to study Law at University of Bristol.
Lucy Kirkbright and Nick Sutton, Heads of Sixth Form, said:
‘[...] These excellent results will lead students into interesting further education opportunities and exciting careers of the future.’
Speaking also to Epigram was the Headmaster at Bristol Grammar School (BGS), Jaideep Barot, who said:
‘I have enormous admiration and affection for this year group, and all they have done in their time at BGS. Quite apart from their stellar contributions to school life across so many fields, the way they have ridden the myriad challenges that have come their way over the last few years, speaks volumes for them.’

For the Bristol Grammar School year group, 53.4 per cent of the grades they achieved were at A* or A grade, with 81 per cent at A* – B. Among the year group were nine pupils who earned a clean sweep of three or four A* grades. Two of the Bristol Grammar School students who received their results are hoping to start the next chapter of their lives at the University in Bristol studying Zoology and Law.

The University of Bristol consistently ranks in the world's top 100 and UK's top ten universities in league tables that take into account metrics on both research and teaching excellence. Over 40 per cent of its teaching programmes are accredited by professional bodies, who consistently acknowledge the excellence of its research-rich curriculum, learning environment and learning outcomes. According to Times Higher Education World University Rankings, University of Bristol ranks ninth in the UK and 76th in the world.
On the announcement of A-level results, a spokesperson for the University of Bristol said:
‘We received more than 61,000 applications overall for more than 6,700 undergraduate places available across the full range of subjects. We are delighted that so many candidates want to be part of the Bristol community, and we look forward to welcoming all our new students in September.’

Welcome Week at Bristol will take place from 18 September to 22 September which includes the Welcome Fair at Durdham Downs. The highly anticipated Welcome Fair is set to feature more than 350 student societies ranging from sports to historical reenactment.
Do you know someone coming to Bristol after their A/Levels? Were you curious to find out why ?