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Mitch Hutchcraft from bottom to top. Conquering Everest from sea level.

Before commencing his record breaking 12,000km triathlon and climb of Mount Everest, Mitch Hutchcraft had a chat with Epigram on his journey, motivations and philosophies as an extreme athlete.

By Faniki Deche Sports Editor.

Epigram Sports sat down with the extraordinary athlete, Mitch Hutchcraft before he embarked on his historic 12,000km triathlon and climb of Mt. Everest. Here is what inspired him as well as the causes he is fighting for.

The best way to describe Mitch Hutchcraft the person is that he is just a regular guy who has a deep passion for adventure.

"I’m just a normal lad who loves adventure and after five years in the military, I decided to leave to pursue the adventures that I had in my head that I wanted to do for years. I left three years ago and I have just been doing epic challenges to raise money for great causes since then."

Despite what his time in the military might have you believe, Mitch is adamant that his achievements are not down to any physical prowess. Anyone who is decently fit can accomplish his feats. In the end, it is only down to one's sheer will and determination.

"That is the misconception. Anyone out there who is reasonably fit, not even crazy fit, can do it because it is ninety-nine per cent just doing it and believing that you can do it and trying it…Anyone can ride a bicycle. Anyone that can ride a bike could, tomorrow, go and do it with the right mindset."

"I’m a very average swimmer, I’m a very average runner, very average cyclist and the reason why we are doing this project is to prove that you don’t have to be a Superman to achieve incredible things."

His journey in extreme sports all began thanks to conveniently timed events that reinvigorated his love for adventure.

"It was kind of just luck and coincidence. I left the Marines in 2021 and I just got asked randomly by a friend if I would be interested in rowing a boat across the Atlantic Ocean and I was like yeah absolutely. Several weeks of open ocean with no other human beings apart from your three friends. It’s the perfect idea of an ultimate adventure, not knowing what animals and what weather you are going to see and it went from there."

His career thus far post-Atlantic has included a successful 5000-kilometer self-supported cycle across the United States and a swim across every lake in the lake district whilst running between them. The latter being in preparation for his biggest adventure yet.

"As a kind of training and preparation for swimming across the channel. I just thought that it would be a great idea to go and swim every single lake in the lake district. The whole length of every lake back to back but running in between. So I started off with the biggest one, twelve mile long lake. Finished that one, then I’d run to the next one, run to the next one and it was a great adventure."

Speaking of his biggest adventure yet, by the time you read this article, Mitch would now be on the second stage of his “Everest sized” mission. To conquer the mountain from exactly sea level. Funnily enough, this idea came to him whilst at sea.

"Three years ago, when I rowed across the Atlantic. It’s several weeks of open ocean with loads of time to think. My dream was always to climb Mt. Everest but to climb Everest from sea level cause when you climb Everest these days, you take an aeroplane and you start walking from three thousand meters."

"I always wanted to go from sea level to the top of the world which no British person has done but I’ve also always wanted to swim across the English channel as well. So I remember at one point whilst rowing to link the middle bit. If I swim until France and then I bicycle from France to India and then I’ll go on foot from there to Everest and I realised later that it is the longest climb of Mt. Everest in history."

He is not alone though, thanks to his golden retriever and best friend, aptly named Buddy, by his side for as long as possible in his adventures.

"I bought him before rowing the Atlantic for my mother. Bit of a sad story, my cousin committed suicide and my mother was really upset so one of main the reasons I bought this dog was basically for a therapy dog to help her and it was the best thing I ever did. Now he’s her baby and mine as well. We share him and he’s both of our dogs. He’s coming up to his third birthday, he’s old enough and he comes with me to all of these adventures. All the adventures that he can come with, he does it."

Most importantly, Mitch’s record breaking triathlon is all for a cause that helps one of society’s most uniquely vulnerable individuals that we all too often overlook.

"It’s all for one small non-profit charity based in London. They are called SAVSIM. They work with [army] veterans and with animals. They made a mental health course using nature and animals to help people with PTSD. But they also send them to lots of countries in Africa and they use their skills by sending them to train the rangers on anti-poaching."

When the time comes and Mitch has finally reached the summit, his eyes are set on slowing down, spending time with family and potentially launching a career in wildlife presenting.

"If I manage to do this. I’ll take a lot of time after to relax, think about family and slow down. I’d love to be an adventurer/wildlife presenter. When we cycle across India we are stopping off at zoos and rescue centres and I’m basically going to be presenting about conservation and talking about wildlife. After this [Everest] I’d like to settle down a little bit but at the same time keep doing adventures and continue to help inspiring people."

In terms of advice, Mitch calls for us to be proactive in our decisions no matter what career path we decide to go on. That way, doors would open and more opportunities would arrive.

"Whatever you want just go for it. Don’t regret the decisions you make no matter which path you choose to follow. I’ve come to find out that if you trust in yourself things would just happen and it’s exciting, you don’t know what would happen…Follow your path and whatever comes across your way. Say yes because one thing would open doors to more things."

With his vast number of achievements, we can confirm that his philosophy is working. As for now, he remains an emblem of what one can do through sheer determination and willpower and we wish him the best of luck as he cycles his way to India. Follow his journey and donate through the link below.

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Featured images: Molly McDonald and Blue Door Productions
