By Mihai Rosca, Second Year, Politics and Philosophy and Emma Griffiths, Second Year, English Literature
As Fight Night fast approaches, witty signs are being written by expectant friends, elf bars and post lecture pints have been long discarded, and the nerves are quickly building for the fighters. With practically hours to go until the latest Fighter Bristol event, Epigram went down to one of their sparring sessions to get a sense of what is to come this Friday.

Walking into The Boxing Gym, nerves are higher than previous weeks - this is the final practice session before the real thing, and partners are being announced imminently. As the fighters weigh in - after assessing whether shoes on or off will really make that much of a difference - you can see people mentally weighing each other up, desperately trying to work out who they'll be facing in the ring.

After eight weeks of intensive training, you can see the comfort with which the fighters move around the boxing mats - for a group of 30 people who had never boxed before, this transformation is truly testament to their efforts. After a warm up, which we were very happy to be watching rather than taking part in, the boys and girls swiftly separate and begin sparring - focusing on technique rather than power this close to the big day.
Training together for so long, bonds are close - fist bumps and jokes as pairs swap into the ring, before the bell rings, the 2 minute rounds begin and friendship gets quickly forgotten. Dancing around the ring, ducking, weaving, jabbing and generally trying-not-to-get-hit-in-the-face, the skill level is truly impressive for a group of very recently beginner boxers.
However, as several mention as they leave the room, the energy is different today. This close out to the night they've been working towards for 2 months, ready to spar in front of all of their family and friends (and 1500 strangers!), every second today is a chance to finalise, pinpoint and perfect technique and tactics. Speaking to separate fighters, this is an obvious concern - cagey answers to "What will your tactics be in the ring" show that no one wants to let anyone get too much of an upper hand.
As 2 pairs spar at a time in 2 minute rounds, the rest mill about, practising on punch bags, nursing sore noses, or simply enjoying the last of their experience as a Fighter. This gives us the perfect chance to pounce, and ask them how their experience has been - and how they hope things will go come Friday.
Upon speaking to them, we find that they’re not any stranger than you or me. They are a friendly bunch, with diverse music tastes, walk-out songs ranging from Taylor Swift(Ready for It) to Kanye West classics(American Boy and All of the Lights) and the odd slightly lesser-known artists.
Maia “The Brute” Brunelli is having difficulties picking a song from Drake. (We’d personally go crazy if Hotline Bling came on).
All of them were motivated to join to get out of their comfort zones. Or in the case of Henry “The Hammer” Arbiter, friendship. Henry signed up alongside his friend one night at dinner. But unfortunately for Henry, only he got picked. He calls it “good luck.” We? Not so much.
This challenge has pushed many to their utmost limits. Some have had to briefly quit their temptations. Their cigarettes and booze. Some have struggled keeping up with the cardio.
Both Rohan Sahota and “Ballistic Beth” Gallagher confessed that they were shocked to find out that Boxing endurance was different to the one needed for Football and Cross-Country running. Both also hinted at the fact that they may use their great durability to outlast and beat their opponents, but you didn’t hear this from us.

Others battle the nerves of having to fight someone, probably a friend, who is of equal ability to them. The Fighter, along with other white collar boxing events pride themselves on making matchups as equal as possible. This means that on the night there should be no predetermined winners, it’s 50/50. They’re all expected to have to put everything on the line to beat their opponent. On November 8th, the audience will see who sacrificed more. Who put in more time, more work and more effort. The suspense is killing me and I can’t wait to see the results!!
After finishing the interrogations we watched the guys spar. The coach’s keen eyes never leave the fighters. Two experienced heavyweights have taken the main ring. Just like in the movies, we have to climb steps to get a better view. This is their last sparring session so no time to be messing about- they are going at it. The punches make the ring shake. Good technique is on full display. But it’s not just that, it's sportsmanship too. After winning their spar, one winner went over to ensure his opponent was okay. He then proceeded to show him how he could improve to be better next time. Just imagine! Even though they might be matched up to fight, the fighters still care for one another and they want each other to stay safe and perform at their best even though that’ll make things more difficult for them.

It’s a sense of camaraderie that is what it is. They are all in this together and though they all want to win, they don’t want to win cheaply.
The session finishes. As they leave we thank the fighters for their time and wish them good luck on Friday, they respond with kind smiles.
The Epigram Sports team had a lovely time visiting Bristol Boxing Gym. We met a group of positive, hard-working, ambitious people that have earned our complete respect. We’re deeply thankful for the experience and for being able to tell their stories. Hope to see you all on Friday the 8th!
Epigram will be at Fight Night this Friday!!!
Stay tuned for our Live Blog covering EVERY FIGHT!!!