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A Rundown of UoB's Film & TV Societies

Four banging societies that cater to every last wish and whim of Bristol Uni’s bustling film community.

Courtesy of InFilmBristol's Instagram

By Max Bradley-Cole, Film and TV editor

The University of Bristol is a goldmine for students who are passionate about Film and TV. Whether you are dreaming of becoming the next Scorsese, fancy yourself a budding critic or simply want to sit back and watch a movie with your mates, Bristol’s film societies have got you covered. So, here is a short rundown of the top societies you must check out if you are even slightly interested in the silver screen or want to become the biggest film BNOC.


Have you ever watched a film and thought, “Psht, I could literally do that”? Well, look no further than InFilm for your chance to show off your filmmaking chops. InFilm is UoB’s only filmmaking society. It doesn’t matter whether you are already a master at cinematography or you still think a “boom” is what happens when you drop a microphone, InFilm welcomes anyone regardless of their skill level and hopes to teach you new skills or reinforce the ones you already have.

InFilm runs on a bi-weekly schedule that alternates between workshops and socials. Their workshops are designed to show you the ropes of filmmaking, from scriptwriting, to camerawork, to editing. They have also had workshops run by industry professionals, ooh fancy! These can teach you some extremely valuable lessons for breaking into the industry and what to expect.  But all work and no play makes InFilm a dull society, so InFilm also host a variety of socials, from pub crawls (wehey!) to movie nights, giving you the chance to fob off your course and hangout with the coolest people at UoB. (Not that InFilm or Epigram recommends fobbing off your course.)

Another fun thing about InFilm is their opportunities for networking. If you have a dream project in mind and need some extra hands to actualise it, they will post your project, listing the roles needed and help you find others who are eager to join. Or, if you are looking for experience and have no idea where to start, you can post yourself and your skills and watch all the desperate film students snap you up. Additionally, if you are a member, you can upload your masterpieces to InFilm’s YouTube channel, get your work out there and who knows you could become the next Spielberg.

Instagram: @InFilmBristol

Image Courtesy of Bristol SU


Watch out Alison Hammond, because the UK’s next national treasure is just around the corner. UBTV is UoB’s very own student-run online television station, and they are always looking for fresh talent. Whether you want to be in front of the camera and the star of the show, or behind the camera, making sure the presenter looks presentable, UBTV have got something for you.

Open to all degrees and all year groups, UBTV require no prior experience and provide you with plenty of training from interview technique, to writing, to research, and editing.  UBTV also know how to have a good time with a variety of socials and fortnightly meetings, where you are welcome to pitch your own ideas and get involved in as many projects as you can. They have three departments, News, Culture, and Entertainment & Nightlife (wehey!). So, plenty to sink your teeth into.

And if you are wondering just how employable UBTV can make you, you need look no further than UBTV alumni Lindsey Russell, who went on to become the newest Blue Peter presenter (I always wanted a Blue Peter badge).  You’ll learn many valuable skills that will help you in any career, especially media and you will also have a cracking time doing it!

Instagram: @ubtvstation
Facebook: @UBTV

Image Courtesy of Bristol SU


No, BCA is not an AA adjacent society for those addicted to Bristol Cinema, it stands for Bristol Collaborative Arts. For those who like their Film with a side of Music and Theatre, BCA is where all the cool nerds go to realise their artistic dreams. BCA is a unique interdisciplinary society that aims to collaborate (surprise) and create art aimed at bringing together students from the best creative disciplines, Film, Music, and Theatre.

Most importantly BCA is about getting your work SEEN. If you have something to share, they are your go-to for feedback and exposure. Throughout the year they host dedicated feedback sessions, and if you are tired of having your work slated, they will also help get your work out there and seen through their ever-growing social media pages.  

And if that isn’t enough, they also hold pitching sessions where you can pitch your projects to the society. The best ideas receive funding and the chance to be showcased at BCA’s annual exhibition, where everyone can see your genius unfold and when you win that Oscar, they can brag and say they knew you at university.

Instagram: @bristolcollaborativearts

Image Courtesy of Bristol SU

Film Society

If your definitely cool like me, because cool people say they’re cool all the time, your idea of a perfect night involves grabbing as many sweets in Lidl as you can and watching a great film. If so, then UoB’s Film Society is calling your name. This is the first and only stop necessary for Bristol cinephiles, whether you are looking to expand your filmic taste with an artsy-fartsy arthouse cinematic masterpiece, or dazzle your brain with a pew, bang, boom blockbuster, or anything in between, Film Soc have got you covered. They host FREE weekly screenings that are open to all – no membership required! But I recommend joining (for a mere £3, THREE STINKING STERLING) you’ll get access to some extras like free entry to their amazing pub quizzes, (which to my dismay I have only ever COME SECOND IN. Not angry at all.) So, not only do you get to watch some cracking films, you also get to show off your film trivia and win a prize or two.

The society has an exciting lineup this year, with guest speakers and themed screenings. It is the perfect opportunity to expand your cinematic horizons. I have also met some of my greatest friends there. Whether you’re a film buff or looking for a chill way to unwind of an evening, Film Soc is the place to be. PLUS, DID I MENTION ITS FREE!

Instagram: @uobfilmsociety

Image Courtesy of Bristol SU


So, there it is! Four banging societies that cater to every last wish and whim of Bristol Uni’s bustling film community. Whether you want to make, watch, or critique films there is definitely something out there for you! So, get your camera, or a Lidl’s own bag of sweets and dive headfirst into Bristol’s Buzzing film societies.

Which society are you most excited to join?
