Baroness Hale to receive Lifetime Achievement Award from Bristol Uni

By Ellie Brown, News Subeditor

The judge and former Chancellor of the University will be honoured at a dinner in June this year.

Lady Brenda Hale, former president of the UK’s Supreme Court and Chancellor of the University of Bristol from 2004-2016, is this year’s recipient of the University’s Alumni Award for Lifetime Achievement.

Lady Hale received national media attention last September when she ruled that then Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s prorogation of Parliament was illegal, reading out the decision in her role as the Court’s first female president.

The Baroness of Richmond's other achievements include being the UK’s first female law lord, the first woman to join the Court of Appeal, and the youngest person to be appointed to the Law Commission.

She will receive the award at the University’s Annual Alumni Gala Dinner on Tuesday 30 June.

Featured Image: Kevin Leighton

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