Bristol SU election results announced

By Eve Bentley-Hussey, SU Correspondent

Bristol Students’ Union has this afternoon announced the results of the first SU elections of the year at Bristol University.

The SU election took place between 3 - 5 November.

Overall 21,112 votes were cast between 3,916 students, with 74% of the roles being filled through the election.

The successful candidates for the position of NUS delegate were announced as being Ruth Day, Khadija Meghrawi, Annie Walsh, Laura Agard, James Fishwick, Yingpei Wang, Joseph Sharp, Sohpie Borowczyk and Julio Mkok.‌‌

Students also voted for the Chairs of Networks, with the results of newly elected Chairs as follows:

Chair of Black Students' Network: Theresa Awolesi

Chair of LGBT+ Network: Joe Fearon

Chair of Sustainability Network: Ella Boswell

Chair of Volunteering & Fundraising Network: Reuben Pritchard

Co-Chair of Postgraduate Network (PGT): Adeola James-lawal

The SU have stated that a total of 1,171 students nominated themselves for the roles up for election, compared with 886 student nominations recorded last year.

Other results announced from the election include 4 newly elected PGT Faculty Representatives and 19 JCR Presidents to represent Halls of Residences.

The elected PGT Faculty Representatives are:

PGT Faculty Rep for Arts: Ethan Shi

PGT Faculty Rep for Engineering: Jerry Tan

PGT Faculty Rep for Health Sciences: Anukriti Panda

PGT Faculty Rep for Social Sciences and Law: Nicole Kelly

Results for the roles of course representatives will be announced individually, with the announcement of successful members to the Democratic Standards Committee due to be made on Monday 9 November.

The full list of the election results can be found here.

Featured Image: University of Bristol Students’ Union

‌Did you cast a vote in the Bristol SU elections?