Roasted Beetroot Risotto with Toasted Pine Nuts and Truffle Oil

By Maddy Baskerville, Third Year Philosophy & Politics

The Croft Magazine // Risotto is a thrifty but sophisticated dish perfect for students! Any leftover vegetables can be used up and the recipe can be adapted to fit what’s in your pantry.

With everything going on in the world, beetroot is packed with Vitamin C, keeping blood pressure low and maximising exercise performance. You can follow Maddy on Instagram for more great foodie content at @madfooood.

Risotto is a thrifty but sophisticated dish perfect for students! | Epigram / Maddy Baskerville

Serves 2 (generously!)


1 cup arborio (risotto rice)

1/3 cup white wine

2 beetroots, 1 carrot, 1 small sweet potato (or any other veggies of your liking)

2 cloves of garlic

Handful of pine nuts

1 onion

1L stock (use 2 cubes)

Truffle oil

1 tbsp cider vinegar

2 tbsp butter

2 tbsp Violife cream cheese/Parmesan

Olive oil

Handful of Sage

Black pepper


With everything going on in the world, beetroot is packed with Vitamin C | Epigram / Maddy Baskerville


1. Preheat oven to 180 C.

2. Peel the beetroot, sweet potato and chop up with the carrots and one of the garlic cloves, salt and pepper

3. Put in the oven for 45 minutes

4. Dice the onion and the remaining garlic clove, toss in a pan with the butter, cider vinegar and rice

5. Bring the stock to the boil in a saucepan

6. Add the wine and stir until the rice goes translucent at each end

7. Add a ladle of stock gradually for 25/30 minutes until rice tastes al dente

8. Add in the Violife/parmesan

9. Take out the roasted vegetables, mash the beetroot/carrots/sweet potato and mix into the risotto (save some of the veg for garnishing if desired)

10. Remove from heat when mixed into the risotto

11. Toast the sage (chopped) and pine nuts with a little olive oil until golden and slightly charred

12. Plate up with the remaining roasted veg, drizzle in truffle oil along with the sage and pine nuts

13. Add any Parmesan/vegan cheese for toppings if you wish!

Plate up with the remaining roasted veg, drizzle in truffle oil along with the sage and pine nuts | Epigram / Maddy Baskerville

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Featured Image: Epigram / Maddy Baskerville

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