Applications for Epigram's 2024/25 Editorial Team are open NOW!

Being part of Epigram is a rewarding experience. You'll get to be a part of the largest media society at the University of Bristol, and shape which stories we release to our readership of hundreds of students every month. An editorial position also looks great on your CV, particularly if you're looking to go into any sort of creative or media-based field.

This year we also had successful weekly socials and a sold-out formal, so it's a great way to make new friends and get involved with the wider community. Plus, if you end up on music you'll get into gigs for free.

Don't worry if you've not got much/any experience. We're not looking for perfectly polished journalists, we're just looking for people who like what we do and are keen to get their teeth stuck in. Having written for the paper, or any other publication, is a plus, but definitely not a must – training will be provided to all successful applicants.

We've got a wide range of roles open in multiple disciplines including editorial, reporting, photography, social media, and design. Applications are open now and will close at 23:59:59 on Monday 10th June. So what are you waiting for?

Apply now through this Google form.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch at:

Good luck!

Visual, Social Media, and Design roles (new for 2024/25!)

Behind every successful publication is an team of talented designers, and Epigram is no different. We're calling anyone with an eye for detail and a love for good design to help us make Epigram look as good as it reads.

Design Lead

  • As the Design Lead, you'll have final say on everything visual in the print edition of the paper. Maybe you think our front page needs a complete redesign, or maybe you just think we should be using a better font – it's your call.
  • This is a great chance for budding designers to add to a professional portfolio as you will have a good degree of creative license.
  • Knowledge of InDesign or Photoshop is desired.

Social Media Managers (x4)

  • As a newspaper, it's essential that we're regularly posting relevant, high quality snippets of stories to our social media channels, primarily Instagram and Twitter/X.
  • We are hiring two social media managers for Epigram's main account and two for our brand new culture account.
  • You will be independently creating content for Epigram’s social media channels: Instagram, X and TikTok.
  • You will be required to respond to content requests from other sections of the paper. This content could include videos, infographics, photography, illustration and graphic design.
  • We are particularly interested in anyone with experience of TikTok and social media video production as we are keen to branch out to TikTok this year.
  • This is a great opportunity for creatives to grow their portfolio and develop their skills in multiple areas.

Resident Photographers

  • You'll take photos for Epigram of both generic stock images and respond to requests from section editors for photographs for articles.
  • This is a good chance to see your photographs in print and gain experience as a journalistic photographer.


Being on the news team is a fast paced job, but it's also an exciting one. You'll be at the forefront of reporting on student issues and uncovering interesting stories. It's not as intimidating as it sounds, we promise. If you love problem solving and thinking on your feet, this is the section for you.

Co-Editor (x2)

  • You will lead Epigram's coverage of news and events, find stories, and cover breaking news as it happens. Your duties will include the design and layup of the section in print, and making sure that there's always someone covering important stories in a timely manner.
  • You will be expected to maintain a close relationship with both the University Press Office and SU Comms Manager and have a keen awareness of different aspects of university life.
  • You will be responsible for ensuring the News team runs effectively, are in communication with other editors and are aware of what needs to be covered.

Deputy Editor

  • Your role will be required to cover and write news stories for Epigram and liaise with both the university and the SU.
  • You will be expected to keep an eye out for news stories across campus, eg. noticing a protest and covering this as it happens.
  • Your role will also include assisting the News Editor with editing and publishing articles, as well as the lay-up.

Investigations Editor

  • You will have the opportunity to dig into hidden stories around the university and the wider city of Bristol. Your focus will be on creating news and finding stories that other news outlets have not yet covered.
  • This role is distinct from breaking news: you will be afforded time to find a story, interview the relevant personnel, determine the facts and write an article that will appeal to the student population.
  • You will be expected to liaise with the Features Editor to make sure that your sections coverage is not overlapping.

News Reporters

  • You will be responsible for handling press releases and writing up stories that relate to University of Bristol students.
  • You will also be expected to keep an eye out for news stories across campus, eg. noticing a protest and covering this as it happens.
  • You will contribute to the paper regularly, keeping in touch with both the News Editor and Senior Team.
'How grey areas in the SU safeguarding policy and admin delays failed to protect students at Bristol University' – Feature by Amelia Jacob


Features writers need to be all-rounders. To be on the features team you need to be able to cover a wide range of issues, and have a good eye for a story. Features are in-depth pieces interested in the humans behind the headlines, so this section is perfect if you want to try your hand at some good old-fashioned investigating.


  • You will be responsible and accountable for the Features section of Epigram and managing your individual team. You'll also have creative control over what sort of stories the section covers and how.
  • You will be in charge of the overall vision for the section both in print and online, and will work closely with the Senior Team to create the monthly newspaper.
  • Your duties will include the design and lay-up of the section in print, and you will also have the opportunity to edit and write narrative-style articles and conduct your own interviews.

Co-Deputy Editor (x2)

  • You will be responsible for helping the Features Editor produce the monthly editions in print, and assist with online coverage.
  • You will also have the opportunity to commission and write your own features.
'Mental health must be prioritised over our idealised perception of success' – Comment piece by Victoria Pope


There are a lot of very different people studying at this university, with a lot of very different takes on issues that affect them. Your role on the opinion team is to seek out a diverse range of people and viewpoints, and to represent the shifting moods of the student body as a collective. This year we're really keen to hear from people from underrepresented backgrounds, particularly BAME, LGBTQ+, and working class students.


  • You will be responsible and accountable for the Opinion section of Epigram and managing your individual team. You will be in charge of the overall vision for the section both in print and online, and will work closely with the Senior Team to create the monthly newspaper.
  • You will also be in charge of maintaining Epigram's balance of opinions – politically, socially and economically. You will be chiefly responsible for determining which topics have relevance and relatability to the wider student community.

Deputy Editor

  • You will be responsible for helping the Opinion Editor produce the monthly editions in print, and assist with online coverage.
  • This role will help shape the direction of the Opinion section and seek out minority and excluded student viewpoints to maintain a balance of opinion.
'Bristol’s independent cinemas: More than just a screen' – Article by Victoria Bennett, image from Paul Blakemore

Film & TV

Culture writing can be a lot of fun. Being on the Film & TV team means having access to the booming film industry in Bristol, from press passes to the Bristol Film Festival to always being first to know about exciting releases in the city's independent cinemas.


  • You will be responsible and accountable for the Film & TV section of Epigram and managing your individual team. You will be in charge of the overall vision for the section both in print and online, and will work closely with the Senior Team to create the monthly newspaper.
  • You will also liaise with local cinemas, and film-related events and PR teams to distribute reviews and coverage among writers with a sharp and critical editorial eye to determine what is and isn’t relatable for the wider student population.
  • You should be a film fan, and have an interest in Bristol’s film scene as well as student cinema.

Deputy Editor

  • You will be responsible for helping the Film & TV Editor produce the monthly editions in print, and assist with online coverage.
  • You will work closely to ensure writers are covering a wide-range of Film and TV content, and are paying close attention to student-produced works. Examples of this could be interviews or behind-the-scenes with local or student filmmakers.
'Review: Louis Culture @ Dareshack' – Review by Benji Chapman


Bristol has a diverse and vibrant music scene, and working in the music section of Epigram gives you exclusive access to it. You'll get dibs on concert passes, and be the first to hear about exciting opportunities like artist interviews or album pre-release reviews. You'll be expected to guide the section and ensure it is always student/Bristol focused, which means keeping an eye out for up and coming local artists.


  • You will be responsible and accountable for the Music section of Epigram and managing your individual team. You will be in charge of the overall vision for the section both in print and online, and will work closely with the Senior Team to create the monthly newspaper.
  • You are expected to maintain strong relationships with local and regional press contacts that have been built by previous Music teams. In this, the Music Editor will request press and photography passes for Epigram’s Music writers too.
  • You will be able to attend concerts, write reviews, and interview artists for the section.
  • Obviously, you need to love music. An interest in student-led music ventures is crucial too.

Deputy Editor

  • You will be responsible for helping the Music Editor produce the monthly editions in print, and assist with online coverage.
  • You will also be able to attend and review concerts and select which new music this section covers.
'A review of MTB’S GREASE' - Review by Gabriella Adaway and Isabel Fraser


Arts is our most eclectic section. Covering everything from book recommendations to student theatre productions, being on the arts team is a lot of fun. You'll have the chance to share your love for the arts with our readers, cover local events, and get involved with Bristol's thriving arts scene.


  • You will be responsible and accountable for the Arts section of Epigram and managing your individual team. You will be in charge of the overall vision for the section both in print and online, and will work closely with the Senior Team to create the monthly newspaper.
  • You will ensure coverage of the university and the city of Bristol’s artistic community. This will require liaising with drama and arts societies as well as local theatres, and distributing reviews and coverage among writers.
  • You must have a love for the arts, with a particular interest in student writing, theatre, or art.

Deputy Editor

  • You will be responsible for helping the Arts Editor produce the monthly editions in print, and assist with online coverage.
  • You will work closely with writers and societies to ensure a wide coverage of local performances, primarily student-produced content.
'Tackling perceptions: in conversation with UBWRFC' – Interview by Adam Mountain


There's more to university sports than Wednesday night socials (RIP Fishies. GBNF). We keep readers up to date on the university's sports teams successes and losses, as well as interviewing alumni who have gone on to be successful sportspeople.


  • You will be responsible and accountable for the Sport section of Epigram and managing your individual team. You will be in charge of the overall vision for the section both in print and online, and will work closely with the Senior Team to create the monthly newspaper.
  • You will lead your team in covering sporting events in-person and talk to athletes in order to create student-specific content. The role will also require organising and maintaining relationships with the University’s sports teams.
  • You might play a sport yourself, or maybe you're a huge fan of pickleball. We're looking for people with unique insight into the sporting world, particularly those who have played/kept up with university sports.

Deputy Editor

  • You will be responsible for helping the Sport Editor produce the monthly editions in print, and assist with online coverage.
  • You'll make sure that the section is regularly putting out high quality reports, opinion pieces, or interviews about all things sports.

Science, Tech, and Gaming

In both the city of Bristol and the University of Bristol, groundbreaking research and entrepreneurial successes are happening every day. You'll be covering them, as well as explore the latest in the gaming world, from innovative game design and development to the latest trends in the industry. If you're ready to turn scientific breakthroughs, tech innovations, and gaming news into compelling stories, this role is for you.


  • You will be responsible and accountable for the SciTech section of Epigram and managing your individual team. You will be in charge of the overall vision for the section both in print and online, and will work closely with the Senior Team to create the monthly newspaper.
  • You will ensure that content is focused on Bristol-based science and tech news, which may at times link to national and global developments.
  • You will have a talent for making complex topics accessible and exciting.
  • You will also be eager to seek out interviews with Bristol-based scientists, tech entrepreneurs, and people working in the gaming industry to be on top of breakthroughs as they happen.

Deputy Editor

  • You will be responsible for helping the SciTech Editor produce the monthly editions in print, and assist with online coverage.
  • Your role will require a focus on researching local scientific and technological companies and building good relationships with these to provide coverage of new information.



  • Each section of Epigram has its own subeditor. As a subeditor of one of the sections of the paper, your role will be to ensure the layout of each issue and online publication reads with as few grammatical, spelling and visual mistakes as possible.
  • You will be expected to have a good eye for captions and headlines and ensure these are up to standard, communicating with section editors and replacing headlines with better alternatives when necessary.
  • You may also be expected to come up with headlines and sub-headlines for articles as needed
  • You will be a key member of the Epigram team, with the opportunity to write articles and contribute to the section which you subedit.
  • This is a lower-commitment job than other editorial roles, so is a great way to join in with Epigram and add to your CV if you're worried about balancing your role and your studies.