Your dating disaster stories

By Anonymous
Sick of happy couples? The Croft asked for your most embarrassing dating stories...and BOY did you deliver! Here are five of Bristol's best dating disasters to remind you that it's not all roses and chocolates out there...
The Pro Gym-Goer:
I went on a date with this guy from Hinge. The date was going alright until he asked me how often I go to the gym. I don't go to the gym at all. He then scoffed and explained to me that he had quit his job and moved back in with his parents to to the gym full time. This wasn't to become a personal trainer, nope he just wanted to go to the gym all day every day while free loading off his parents.
The date went down hill from there after he realised I had never been to the gym in my life. We lived in the same general direction so took the same bus home. I got on first and sat down and he proceeded to sit three down behind me instead of next to me. Didn't speak to me the whole awkward bus ride home. Haven't spoken to him since...

Awkward First Date Avoider:
So, I realise this is both a story where I am the villain and it is more of an avoided-date story, but I thought it was funny. I kept seeing this person around during lectures and thought they were attractive. They are a friend of a friend and we ended up chatting loads after one seminar. Turns out we have tons in common! They gave me their Insta and I added them but realised when I looked at their page that I had never seen them without a mask on... and after seeing their Insta I wasn't as interested anymore.
Just Why???
We went to Spoons and he started doing push ups on the carpet and kept loudly egging me on to do one which ofc I didn't because bc who knows what has been on that carpet! It was quite embarassing.
Was very proud of myself for taking the initiative for the first time and inviting a guy out on a date. Got to the end of the date only to realise...he didn't think it was one. He literally RAN away from me to 'catch a bus'. This was London, the buses come literally every other minute.
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It's not me it's you:
I wasn’t sure I was going on a date when I went for a coffee with someone from my course in first year. We had a nice time but since it was a bit of a grey area when we parted ways I said that it would be great if we could be friends. His response was to ask me if I was asexual. I told him the truth (that I wasn’t) but it took me so off guard that I spent the rest of the day questioning whether in fact I was. When I went home and told my flatmates what had happened they found it so funny that his assumption was that if I wasn’t into him I must not be attracted to anyone, and we still joke about the time I nearly let a guy gaslight me into a different sexual orientation.
Featured Image: Epigram / Grace Barnes
Got any horrific date stories to share with The Croft? Let us know below!