All students should desire a People's Vote

All students should desire a People's Vote

By Max Langer, President of the UoB Liberal Democrats

In the wake of student's campaigning outside of Senate House today, it is clear: You should support a People's Vote, whether you voted Remain or Leave.

Today, students have called for a People's Vote as part of the Our Future, Our Choice campaign and supported by the University's Liberal Democrats and Green Society.

This follows on from the weekend in which Bristol SU, led by ELA officer Sally Patterson, marched on Westminster in support of a People’s Vote, the campaign for a public vote on the final Brexit deal. Over 700,000 people took part in this protest, the March for our Future, making it the largest protest in this country for a decade.

However, despite this increasing support for a public final say, many people still struggle to get behind the idea.


The results produced by a UoB Lib Dems poll outside of Senate House today. Liberal Democrat Students/ Max Langer

So, consider this article my attempt to convince everyone that the SU are correct in this campaign and that a People’s Vote is vital for all of our futures. I won't be advocating for remaining in the EU or for any particular brand of Brexit, I just want to argue why, for the health of our damaged democracy, a public final say is the only cure.

Firstly, let me clarify what I mean by a People’s Vote.

It is a full referendum on the terms of the final Brexit deal that would happen if parliament votes against it. This could take the form of asking between the deal and remaining in the EU, or some are suggesting a three option question including the option of ‘no deal’ as well.

I split up opinions on Brexit in to five categories and I’ll go through them all and explain why everyone should support a People’s Vote. They are: the die-hard Remainers, the despondent Remainers, the regretful Leavers, the true believers and those who couldn’t vote at all. No matter which category you fall into, you should want a People’s Vote.

Die-hard remainers voted Remain and still believe that remaining in the EU is the best thing to do.

But, despite their conviction, many still oppose a People’s Vote considering it too risky. My question to them is: What is the alternative? Neither of the main two parties are committed to stopping Brexit, with both too afraid to go against the 2016 referendum result. The only legitimate way to overturn this precedent is another vote and if we lose, then at least the British people will have been given a fair, free vote on the biggest issue in our country.

Despondent Remainers are slightly different, they voted Remain but since the referendum they have been won over by the argument that “we’ve voted, now let’s get on with it”. A People’s Vote works for you too.

If you believe that Brexit will harm the UK, then you have every right to support any method that will stop it and, as above, a People’s Vote is the best chance we have. Democracy does not stop after each vote, instead stand by your convictions.

Students campaign for a People's Vote outside Senate House today. Liberal Democrat Students/ Max Langer

Regretful Leavers have changed their mind. They voted for ‘Leave’ but having seen the chaos that we’ve seen in the last two years, realised that they voted the wrong way.

A People’s Vote is your chance to change your mind, to look at the evidence and have the final say. The Brexit that was promised in the 2016 referendum bears no resemblance to what we have before us now. Since that deal has changed, you should be able to change your vote.

If you believe that Brexit will harm the UK, then you have every right to support any method that will stop it

For true believers, those who believe that Britain will be infinitely better off outside of the EU, then a People's Vote is your chance to take back control of Brexit.If you think Chequers is the wrong deal then a People's Vote could give you the chance to make your concerns heard again.

The final category is the one that is possibly most important, those who couldn’t vote last time.

Lots of people who are now at university couldn’t vote last time and so had no say in the future of their country. Young people are the ones that will have to live in the future voted for by older generations, they should be able to have their say, either to Remain or to Leave.

So, whatever your views on the EU, please engage with the SU’s campaign and help us to press for a People’s Vote so that everyone can have an informed, meaningful and fair choice on our future relationship with the EU.

Democracy didn’t stop on the 23rd of June 2016, in fact, it was just the beginning.

Featured Image: Liberal Democrats Students/ Max Langer

Do you think students will not benefit from a People's Vote? Tell us in the comments or get your view published!

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