University receives record funding boost

University receives record funding boost

By James Cleaver, Online News Editor

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has awarded the University of Bristol over £50m worth of funding for nine Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs), the most in the country.

The funding will ensure that the PhDs of 450 students will be funded for the duration of their four-year courses, the first of which begin in September 2019.

The University's Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, Professor Nishan Canagarajah, responded to the news: 'This is an enormous achievement for the University and we are delighted to be increasing our opportunities for postgraduates, to deliver ground-breaking research in STEM disciplines here in Bristol.

'The nine CDTs we have been awarded are across fields that will be fundamental in ensuring Bristol builds a community of engineers and scientists who will have a significant role in meeting the UK skills needed to address future societal challenges.'

The University received funding for nine of the eleven CDTs it bid for, with the success rate of 82 per cent well above the national average of 38 per cent. 75 CDTs were awarded, with £446m allocated to universities across the country.

'This is an enormous achievement for the University...increasing our deliver ground-breaking research in STEM disciplines here in Bristol.'

Science and Innovation Minister Chris Skidmore, speaking about the importance of research and development to future generations, stated that 'The Centres for Doctoral Training at universities across the country will offer the next generation of PhD students the ability to get ahead of the curve.

'This is our modern Industrial Strategy in action, ensuring all corners of the UK thrive with the skills they need for the jobs of tomorrow.'

The nine Centres to receive funding at the University are:

  1. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Composites Science, Engineering and Manufacturing
  2. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Autonomous Robotic Systems
  3. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Trust, Identity, Privacy and Security in Large-scale Infrastructures
  4. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Computational Statistics and Data Science
  5. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Engineering
  6. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Technology Enhanced Chemical Synthesis
  7. Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science
  8. Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Health and Care
  9. EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Innovation in Non-Destructive Evaluation

Featured image: Cameron Scheijde / Epigram

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