Track Review/ Lynks Afrikka: 'Str8 Acting'

Track Review/ Lynks Afrikka: 'Str8 Acting'

By Joe Boyd, Digital Music Editor

‘Str8 Acting’ is the latest single from Lynks Afrikka, the brainchild of Bristol’s own Elliot Brett. Joe Boyd reviews.

Lynks’ sophomore single masterfully addresses the idolisation of straightness in the current ‘masc4masc’ queer culture, staying true to the rest of their characteristically dark, funny and deeply human work. The use of samples from real clubgoers recorded outside Lizard Lounge playfully grounds the track, with Brett’s unmistakable vocals combining to create a bold and liberating LGBT+ anthem.

When asked what inspired the song Brett said:

'It’s really bizarre being a gay person. The community constantly tells us we need to embrace our queerness and yet simultaneously there’s this total fetishisation of The Straight Man to the extent that every third Tinder or Grindr bio you scroll past will have ‘str8 acting looking for the same’ or some shit written in it. It’s totally fucked. With this track I wanted to try and answer a question that has been with myself, and I’m sure many other queer people, since first coming out; “why the fuck should I ever want to be straight acting?”

Featured Image: Lynks Afrikka/Spinny Nights

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