The SU's bubble wrap gave me un-pop-pable joy and should be supported

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By Elisha Mans, First Year Politics and International Relations

Concerns have been raised about the environmental impact of the SU's bubble wrap scheme, but its stress relieving abilities are undeniable.

Bubble wrap has always been a thing of dreams.

From a young age, the reality has always been that the bubble wrap is way more fun than whatever is in it. That fragile item being protected? Do not care. The bubble wrap is always going to be more thrilling.

I remember the episode of comedy sitcom ‘Miranda’ where she and Stevie have a bubble wrap popping competition in which they roll around on a sheet of bubble wrap in order to be the first to pop all the bubbles. I watched that episode and felt that when you had completed that challenge, you had really made it in life. Anyone is lying if they say that that doesn’t sound like a thrill.

The pure joy of feeling a bubble pop between your fingers is unbeatable. It is like popping a spot without the disgustingness.

Bubble wrap is fun. But, obviously ignoring the boring practical use of bubble wrap as, you know, an item protector (we all know that is just an excuse anyway), can there be yet another use?

Bristol SU obviously thinks so. They have started offering up their reused bubble wrap as a stress reliever for students in this revision period. It is great. The pure joy of feeling a bubble pop between your fingers is unbeatable. It is like popping a spot without the disgustingness. Clearly spot-popping is a thing of the past as we look to a world where adults can unashamedly enjoy popping bubble wrap. Perhaps even those weird YouTube videos where people pop spots could be replaced by more satisfying and relaxing videos of University of Bristol students popping bubble wrap. I mean, it’s a trend that I am ready to see.

Imagine a world where it is normal to sit with a sheet of bubble wrap and just enjoy the feeling of power as you stamp out the bubbles, a world where we celebrate the satisfaction of destroying that little pocket of air. It would be a more peaceful world.

There is no reason that we should be forced to hide the joy of bubble popping. We can, with the open support of the SU, embrace bubble wrap popping as a productive activity. We can gather and pop. With friends, solo or as a bonding moment with fellow stressed students. Maybe we can even see bubble wrap society on the horizon.

Imagine a world where it is normal to sit with a sheet of bubble wrap and just enjoy the feeling of power as you stamp out the bubbles

Realistically though, is this new stress relief technique going to take the world by storm as the most pop-ular technique? Probably not. But can we use it as a great excuse to do some satisfying bubble wrap popping? Absolutely.

I, for one, am in support of this innovation.

Featured image: Bristol SU

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