The 93% Club is necessary for our society

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By Scarlett Sheriff, Publicity Officer of the 93% Club

The 93% Club calls for greater equality and is still very much a necessity in our society.

Seven per cent of the UK population are privately educated - sent to independent fee-paying schools. Among the University of Bristol population the figure is 33 per cent. So while 93 per cent of people in the country went to state school, only 67 per cent of Bristol students were state educated.

It is much easier to get involved in sports societies like rowing if you have done it for years before. It is easier to do theatre if you went to a school with a top qualified drama teacher and a state of the arts theatre than if you went to an underfunded comprehensive considering cutting GCSE drama altogether. All of those added extras are what add ‘character’ to a CV.

we have to talk about the unseen issues that people are scared to bring up.

It is true that academically, state school students are not at a disadvantage once they are at university - everyone got here. So, to properly tackle inequality at and after university we have to talk about the unseen issues that people are scared to bring up. Issues like who can afford to gather unpaid work experience, and who cannot. After all the cost of privately renting in London - where most internships are - is over twice the national average.

If we continue to refuse to deal with the issue of unfair advantage then we are creating, not stopping class warfare.

We live in a country where too often your parents' income defines your chances more than your abilities. The reality of poverty in Britain today is between heating and eating, only to be be threatened by bailiffs. In July, figures from Shelter highlighted that more than half of Britain’s homeless families were in work. The reality is that the gap is likely to get worse.

That is why we need and have a 93% Society. To raise the issue and to give people without an 'old boys' network' the opportunity to improve their CVs. We have all had advantages and disadvantages in our lives but we live in a society, and living in a society means helping one another out, not just being in it for ourselves.

The 93% Soc is a positive space where we get experts to give advice on job applications and informal networking.

We need it because it is un-intimidating and welcoming to everyone, and because we can no longer fail to acknowledge that Bristol is not a microcosm of the society we will be going out into.

Featured image: Facebook/The 93% Club

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