Review / Snail Mail @ The Louisiana

Review / Snail Mail @ The Louisiana

Ahead of the release of her debut album, Lush, at the end of this week, Guy Marcham caught Snail Mail headline The Louisiana.

At just 18, Baltimore’s Lindsey Jordan is indie rock’s next rising talent. Under the moniker of ‘Snail Mail', the singer-songwriter blends poetical and introspective lyrics with lush and delicate indie-pop to tantalising effect.

Having released her first E.P, entitled Habit, 2 years ago while still in high school, Snail Mail has since been regarded as an incredibly exciting and emerging act on the indie rock scene. Having teased her fans with several singles, Snail Mail now finds herself edging closer and closer to the release of her hotly anticipated debut album, Lush, which is set to be released on June 8th.

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In the meantime, Snail Mail has embarked on a tour of the United Kingdom, selling out Bristol’s legendary The Louisiana on her first visit to the city. Jordan began proceedings with one of her recent singles, ‘Heat Wave’, encapsulating her breezy indie rock sensibility. Further highlights from Snail Mail’s sell-out show also included recent single, ‘Pristine’, and old favourite, ‘Thinning’, in which Jordan’s infectious jangly and sugar-coated guitar hooks took centre stage. That being said, one can’t detract from the emotionally vulnerable lyrical themes explored by Snail Mail, especially on ‘Pristine’ in which she captures a sense of teenage suburban paralysis with the lyric “it just feels like the same party every weekend, doesn’t it?”

However, the standout moment in Snail’s Mail short 50-minute-long set came when her backing band had left the stage, leaving just Jordan and her cherry red electric guitar. The singer-songwriter then gently fingerpicked her way through her latest single off her debut album, the delicate and bittersweet, Let’s Find An Out’. This was definitely a touching and fitting end to a gig that not only showcased Jordan’s ability to flex her bolstering indie rock credentials but also her reflective and personal songwriting.

Snail Mail’s form of sun-kissed indie pop seemed a somewhat perfect soundtrack to Bristol’s very own ‘Heat Wave’.

Featured image: Flickr / Mike Maguire

Snail Mail's debut album, Lush, is released this Friday.

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