BREAKING: Fire at High Kingsdown

A fire has broken out in a building in High Kingsdown, near Parsons bakery.
Four fire engines are currently at the scene, with Clarence Place being blocked off. The house on fire is believed to be a student house, although this has not been officially confirmed.
Firemen have been seen running hoses into the estate as it is not accessible by road, appearing to pump water into the building. The house is said to now be 'dripping' with water running out the door.
Gonzalo Aguilera, a University of Bristol student who lives opposite the building where the fire broke out, told Epigram that he 'heard glass shattering and [he] looked out the window to see fire out the back windown onto the garden'.
He told us that the fire started on the first floor of the building, and all the flames seemed to be concentrated there.
Epigram understands that the first fire engine arrived at the scene at 18.45
A man who works at the Co-Op on St. Michael's Hill told Epigram that he thought he had smelt smoke 5-10 minutes before the fire engine arrived. He said that they responded 'quickly' after that.
One student told Epigram: 'A fireman came and told us to shut our windows because there is smoke everywhere'.
They added: 'The smoke started coming up our sink plug.'
More to follow.
Featured Image: Epigram / Elliot Laker