We get it, you vape.

We get it, you vape.

By Valli McAdam, 3rd Year Chemistry

Nowadays, vape pens are popping up everywhere and we all know someone who vapes. And we all know that one person who vapes despite having never smoked a cigarette in their life. I’m here to question whether these people should reconsider their street-cred-upping choice of recreation.

As most of us know, vaping is not just a means to quitting smoking- it is an art form. All jokes aside, there are now “vape artists” famous for their vapour-sculpting skills. King Titus, one of the most well-known artists, can impress with his signature move: “the jellyfish”. He forms swirling vape clouds in the air that mimic the motions of the ocean dweller - quite an interesting sight. There are competitions all around the world for these “trick vapers” to showcase their skills.

silhouette of man vaping during sunset
Photo by Donn Gabriel Baleva / Unsplash

There is evidently a sense of community amongst fellow vapers, and perhaps this is the main cause for the boom in the e-cigarette market. According to the BBC, the number of vapers increased from about seven million in 2011 to 35 million in 2016. It is estimated that only around 49% of these vapers use it as an aid to quit smoking. But as with most things, there is controversy, with many scientists urging non-smokers to stay away from the vape pen.

But c’mon, what’s so harmful about puffing around a little bit of fruit loop-flavoured water? Well, as it turns out, quite a lot. A study published in Environmental Science and Technology in 2016 reported that possible carcinogens and irritants were found in e-cigarette vapour. Furthermore, it has been reported that some vapers have complained of bleeding mouths and throats. When toxicologist Irfan Rahman from the University of Rochester in New York investigated this, he found that e-cigarette vapours could permanently damage mouth and lung cells, leading to many health problems including gum disease. His research also suggested that e-cigarette smoke can damage fibroblasts, the cells responsible for wound healing, effecting your body’s ability to close cuts and wounds. There have also been studies concluding that, due to the irritants in e-cigarette vapour, long term vaping could be a cause of chronic bronchitis.

One of the largest groups jumping on the vape wagon are young teens, which is a potential cause for concern. The nicotine inside e-cigarettes can hinder synapse development in teens, as well as leading to nicotine addiction and mood disorders. Many people also believe e-cigarettes may act as a gateway drug, with nicotine priming the brain for other, harder drugs.

Photo by VapeClubMY / Unsplash

As well as the plethora of health implications, there have also been reports of e-cigarette pen failures. Just earlier this year, US citizen Tallmadge D'Elia tragically died when his e-cigarette exploded in this face. According to his autopsy, two pieces of the pen were found in his cranium and, according to forensic officials, he also suffered burns over 80% of his body due to a fire caused by the exploding pen. Unfortunately, this was not a stand-alone incident; the US Fire Administration reports that there were 195 incidents of explosion between 2009 and 2016, 38 of which were severe.

However, there is no doubt that the health risks associated with actual smoking are far more prevalent. And although they aren’t quite so Peaky Blinder-esque, e-cigarettes don’t produce carbon monoxide or tar - two of the most damaging substances produced during smoking. Public Health England have concluded that vaping is 95% less harmful than actual smoking, so for someone trying to quit it is definitely great option.

Ultimately, although vaping may be far safer - and tastier - than smoking, it isn’t the angel you may have previously thought it was. So, for those of you who have only taken it up to impress your Instagram followers, maybe give it a second thought.

Featured Image: Connor Botts/ Unsplash

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