'My hair band just snapped': style and accessory mishaps to avoid this exam season

By Hannah Worthington,Online Editor

Don't be that person with heeled boots - please🙏

No 1. Comfort, but NOT Pyjamas

It is more than tempting to roll out of bed in your warm pyjamas. But as good as this snuggly image might seem, pyjamas and productivity in the exam hall are not compatible. Think leggings or a good pair of old giving jeans. This will allow for concentration on multiple levels - importantly your mind will be taken off your Turkey tummy from Christmas and you can concentrate on your Lit 1550-1740 paper with ease.

2. Easy layers to regulate your own body temperature

Don't expect exam halls to be much better than the temperature of your houses, so layer up. Avoid jumpers with baggy sleeves that can be annoying to write in. Regulate your amount of layers for a stress free sitting...


3. Trainers

Think trainers to make minimal noise. Don't be that person with heeled boots in Coombe Dingle. Note on trainers: do not wear new purchases bought for Christmas. Blisters = extra unnecessary pain.

4. A hair tie that ain’t gonna let you down.

Your hair band has snapped and funnily enough the moderators don't have a spare. While you don't want to be the person with hundreds lined down their forearm, have a sturdy hair tie in place before the exam, and keep a couple of extra in your [clear] pencil case. (Reminder there for those that still need to pop to Wilko's to get one).

5. Your comfiest pair of underwear

TMI for some - but what could be worse than rushing in the morning and sticking on a pair of pants that are just too small, and a bra with underwire that digs in like crazy. Opt for a bra with support, and granny pants for ease. Boys, crack open a pair of boxers you got in your stocking from Mum, or dig out your good luck pair.

'Dress well to test well'. Good luck!


Featured Image: Hannah Worthington / Cat = Cheezeburger Memes

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