Opinion | A helpful guide to library etiquette

Opinion | A helpful guide to library etiquette

By, Millie Shoebridge, 3rd Year, Sociology

Central to the identity of being a student is sitting in a library for hours on end. At Bristol we are blessed with a wide variety of study spaces, so whether you’re a Queens library connoisseur or ASS addict, this article is for you.

However as we all know there is a strict code of conduct, library etiquette that everyone must observe. A list of behaviours permitted when you venture into any public study space. Inside of every campus library you have the chatters, the eaters, space hoarders, the sleepers and the social media scrollers. Therefore, to enlighten those who perhaps needed a refresher on the do’s and don’ts, here is a definitive, totally legitimate guide on being your best self in the library.

Senate House | Epigram / Patrick Sullivan 

The Eaters

If you decide to tuck into a snack whilst working in a library space (café areas are exempt from this) then you must offer all those who sit around you within a three-metre radius, a bite of said snack. It is only fair.

Make sure to steer clear of noisy foods, namely carrots, apples and crisps. The entire library doesn’t need to hear you chow down on your five a day whilst we’re busy writing our dissertations.

The Social Media Star

Likely to be found absentmindedly scrolling for Facebook or ASOS.

Absolutely do not stare at their screens! It is can be very off-putting and distracts them from getting the correct answers on their Buzzfeed quizzes

The Ragbag

In times of exam season, if your look today is 7/10 or over please exit the library premises. In these times of worry and stress we must all commit to looking below par or at best average. If not, it sets the unrealistic expectation that people can study all day and still look good.

The Flirt

If I am staring at you face for too long or keep looking over its because I think your fit. Smile back at me, we all need whatever hit of dopamine we can take in the library.

The Driver

We get it, you drive a fiat 500 to university even though the walk would have only taken fifteen minutes. You do not need to come in swinging your keys around until the very last moment when you find a seat and sit down.

Students studying in the library | Unsplash / Danny 

The Chef

On behalf of all those who have nostrils, I beg you do not cook fish in the study space library’s!

The Socialite

You might know everybody in the ASS and that’s wonderful for you it really is, but you don’t have to squeal, hug and then loudly whisper about your fabulous weekend to each and everyone of them.

The Breather

Excessively loud breathing will not be permitted into the silent areas of the library.

The Judgemental Janet

Why must the librarians look so disappointed when we forget our U-Card? Don’t make hasty judgments on my life library person, I am still an accomplished high-flying individual… now please open the gate for me…thank you.

The Heroes

If someone is talking too loudly, shushers know that we support you in your efforts to humiliate them. Go forward and shush in confidence.

How do you behave when you're revising?