University of Bristol second largest growing university in 2018/2019

University of Bristol second largest growing university in 2018/2019

By Isaac Haigh, Investigations Correspondent

The University of Bristol is the second fastest growing university in the country by number of new undergraduates following the University of Exeter.  In 2015, the Conservative Government uncapped university places. New figures in The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2020 suggest Bristol University has expanded significantly since then.

This year, new entrants were up by 730 students, a rise of 14 per cent, whilst applications were up just six per cent. Bristol University is also building the Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus, which will house 953 more students.

This follows the news this September that over 200 first year students were unable to be offered accommodation after the University ran out of space. Last week, it was announced that all students had been offered places in halls, either in Bristol or at the University’s veterinary campus in Langford.

Many students are also doubting whether or not libraries or lecture hall spaces can keep up. The University has also pledged to become carbon neutral by 2030.

Comment / Fed up with early wake ups and cramped teaching space - the costs of the Uni's aggressive recruiting

Posted by Epigram on Sunday, May 12, 2019

At a University Management Team meeting in July this year, the minutes state that the Admissions team were ‘asking Deans and Heads of School to consider stretching numbers on individual programmes where space, student experience and other factors means we can accommodate more students.’

This summer, Epigram found that 90 courses were offered through Clearing including Chemistry, Physics and Classics.

Featured image credit: Epigram / Cameron Scheijde

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