UBBC set up preseason fundraiser in homage to UoB student survivors of rape and sexual abuse

By Hannah Worthington, Online Editor

Led by fourth year Chemistry student and UBBC Fundraising Officer John Allden, University of Bristol's Boat Club have dedicated their preseason training fundraiser to sexual assault charity, SARSAS (Somerset & Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support).

On August 31 2018, UBBC announced via various social media outlets that they aim to raise £500 in the first four weeks of preseason training, splitting funds raised between the club and SARSAS.

Image: UBBC's crowd funding page. Click the link here to view more.

UBBC pledged on their crowd funding page that they as a society strive to create a 'safe space for members', yet 'unfortunately the University and even the Boat Club are not immune to the harm of sexual assault and rape'.

Where in previous years the Boat Club has covered mileage comparable to the length of the River Nile in dedication to their chosen charity, this year the rowers have fundraised both on land by running half-marathons and on water rowing ergathons.

Yesterday, rowers 'upped the ante' of their fundraising training by challenging themselves to collectively row 'all 346km of the River Thames'. With machines set up in the balloon bar from 14:00, the team successfully reached the 10 hours of land training by alternating 3 different rowers every hour.

Image: Instagram / @Uobboatclub snapchat story

Fundraising officer John stated:

'The preseason fundraiser has proved somewhat of a warm-up for the year ahead, getting the wheels turning for an assortment of boat club fundraising to come. It was gratifying to see club members get behind the charity, especially during yesterday's ergathon. I personally look forward to an opportunity to support SARAS again later in the season'.

There is just 8 hours left till the preseason fundraiser closes. To donate, please visit the UBBC crowd funding page. Any support is greatly appreciated by UBBC.

Featured Image: Facebook / University of Bristol Boat Club

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