Summertime sadness

Summertime sadness

By Marina Afzal-Khan, Online Wellbeing Editor

New online wellbeing editor Marina Afzal-Khan writes about how to adjust back into university life after a lenghty summer.

As the summer reaches an end and we all head back to university for another year, many worries may arise.

Am I ready yet?
What If I don’t settle in again?

Summer is long and so much can change. Many of us return ‘home home’, start reconnecting with our home friends, adjust to living with our parents again, get a summer job or even travel the world. Whatever we’ve done, we’re all heading back to Bristol to prepare for a hectic year filled with societies, socials and of course, making sure we do the best we can in our degrees. Not feeling ready for the transition is pretty normal and many of us may feel it.

As summer began, I was so excited. I finished second year law in a stable place, hoping to get decent grades and have a fun summer. I spent my summer in London and Manchester visiting family and finally became comfortable in my new surroundings. With university starting again, I worry how I’ll cope ‘on my own’ again and if I will be able to handle the pressure that comes from societal obligations, my degree and friendships whilst maintaining my wellbeing. What I need to believe is that I’m not ‘on my own’. There is support in place for me to adjust back into my final year of university.

What if I don’t get on with my new flatmates?
What if I can’t adjust to a new routine?

If you are going into second year, you may have to start handling your own bills. You also get hit with the realization that your degree now ‘counts for something’ and modules affect your final grade. If you are going into third year, you may have to start thinking about grad jobs and making multiple applications to secure your dream job after deciding what that is. Take some time to reflect on the summer that’s gone and what you want from a new university year.

• Set goals. Attainable goals.
• Create a new routine.
• Get in touch with friends at university.
• Join societies.
• Book an appointment with the GP in Bristol to set up mental health support at the university.
• Speak to someone close about it.

Taking action now can give you a head start. However, I think there is no need to set and reach high expectations. As long as your priorities are straight, everything will fall into place and you can have a good year. There is no shame in not settling in; university life is and should be challenging.

Photo by Epigram / Marina afzal-Khan

I strongly highlight that the Student Health Service and the Student Counselling Service is available as soon as you require. Please make sure you are prepared for the transition from any summer mental health support elsewhere back into the university services.

The end of summer doesn’t need to be a daunting time. Sufficient preparation and support will help us gear up for the upcoming year!

Featured Image: Epigram / Marina Afzal-Khan

How are you all preparing for the incoming year? Comment below or get in touch!

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