Spilling the tea: Tim's tasty tips on focaccia

By Tim Quiney, Food Deputy Editor

The Croft Magazine // Learn to have fun with focaccia with Tim's tasty tips.

Spending a little bit more time inside could be likely this term, so having a project other than university work, for me, will be key to staying level-headed.

Epigram / Tim Quiney 

Focaccia making is a great example as it is less daunting than standard bread making. There are loads of great recipes online to make this flat, crispy-on-the-outside, doughy-on-the-inside bread, varying in proving times and method - this basically means your focaccia will be as good as you want to make it!

Epigram / Tim Quiney

There are just as many no-knead recipes as those involving folding if you’ve got more time on your hands. You can find instant and active dry yeast recipes, or if you still have a sourdough starter going (congratulations) then that works really well too. Most recipes do require, along with good olive oil and salt, time – just a low maintenance, overnight proof in the fridge. You can keep it traditionally simple or stud the top with extra flavours like garlic, olives, rosemary, vegetables or even firmer fruit like plums, figs or cherry tomatoes!

Epigram / Tim Quiney

The best part about focaccia for me though is that if it has all gone a bit wrong and turns out too doughy or not salty enough, I can rip the leftovers into large chunks, oil and season them and then grill to make hearty, crispy oversized-crouton salads. Even when it turns out great, once it starts to get a bit stale it still makes for a good few days’ worth of grilled garlic bread, croutons, salads and snacks!

Epigram / Tim Quiney

Featured Image: Epigram / Tim Quiney

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