Society App: Revolutionising the way university societies communicate with their members

This article is sponsored by Society App.
The Society® app was set up by Matthew Billington, once President of the Kings College London Dental Society, when he realised that he had the chance to change the way his society ran for the better. Now, 117 universities across the country have signed up to use it.
Matthew started the app to help societies save time by automating their event management, certificates, ticketing and e-tickets for events and also having the committee displayed and available for all members to directly contact through the chat.

His original idea was to save time for committees while connecting students on a new level. Matthew’s vision is to automate, digitise and revolutionise university societies and college clubs, groups and organizations.
Speaking about how he started the app, Matthew said: ‘When I entered my 4th year as a dental student at King’s College London, I soon discovered that being elected President of the KCL Dental Society came with its fair share of problems.
Matthew’s vision is to automate, digitise and revolutionise university societies and college clubs
‘After engaging with Presidents from other dental schools I soon discovered that nearly every new President of a university society is in the same boat, re-creating the wheel, each and every year.’
Stating that he feels Facebook is becoming increasingly outdated and noting that ticketing platforms charge high fees, Matthew sought to find a way to centralise all a society’s needs in one app.
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Speaking about the finished product, he explained: ‘We now have a university society platform which allows everyone to engage in multiple societies and events are all in one place. No more lost links on WhatsApp chat groups!’
The app is free for students to download – they then receive a free branded app experience for their university or college club, group or organization.
Jacari Bristol, a society which provides one-to-one tutoring for disadvantaged migrant, asylum-seeking, and refugee children, has signed up to use the Society app.
Telling Epigram why they did so, Jacari said: ‘We signed up mainly because we were got told it was an easy platform to communicate and advertise our events to our members and potential students interested in joining our society.
‘It can definitely be a great tool to utilise if enough societies across the university engage with it so that students will only have one platform where they can find all the details and upcoming events for any society they are part of.’
Please click here to download Society App or to read more about what they're up to!
Featured: Courtesy of Society App
Have you used Society App? Let us know about your experiences in the comments!