Records for relaxation: Wellbeing’s favourite albums for stress-relief

By Rosie Angel-Clark, Eve Coleman, Elena Venturelli and Sanjana Idnani, Wellbeing Editorial Team
The Croft // The start of term can be a busy and overwhelming time, particularly for new students; it's important to take some time out to decompress, and music can be the perfect form of escapism. To kickstart your relaxation playlist, the Wellbeing Editorial Team share some of their favourite albums for stress-relief.
We students are world-class bargain hunters and the UNiDAYS discount on Spotify Premium is amongst the greatest deals in coupon history! A good playlist is essential as a backing-track to student life: from low-fi study songs to ABBA’s greatest party hits.
Perhaps most important of all however, is cultivating a good playlist to relax and unwind to. Here is a little gift from the Wellbeing Team to you - some of our favourite chill-out albums for the busy start of term:
Rosie's Pick: Paolo Nutini – Sunny Side Up

‘Right at the very start of a Spotify library made up of music so gloomy my friends have banned me from contributing to pres playlists, this upbeat but still relaxing album has brought me back to earth through numerous ups-and-downs of university life.
The perfect remedy for freshers’ week burnout, its laid-back, folky vibes feel like a warm hug and take the edge off anxiety in a second. It’s an instant mood-lifter that’ll take you back to summer evenings as the days get darker and the stresses of term pile up.’
Eve's Pick: Florence and the Machine – Lungs

‘My favourite album of all time is Lungs by Florence & the Machine- appropriately named as you need a good pair of lungs to belt along to all of its bangers! It might not be a typically relaxing album, but when ‘Dog Days are Over’ hits my speakers, it instantly refreshes my mood and helps me to let go of any stress or tension from the day.
Sometimes the greatest mode of relaxation is dancing like an idiot in your bedroom to the ethereal power of Florence’s voice (also fantastic for a lengthy shower sing-a-long… sorry flatmates!).’
Elena's Pick: Lana Del Rey – Norman F*cking Rockwell!
‘An exquisitely relaxing album for me is Norman F*cking Rockwell! (NFR) by Lana Del Rey. This Grammy nominated; NME award winning album is Del Rey’s most highly accredited release to date. Unlike some of her previous albums that have dark and arguably depressing themes, NFR has a mesmerising dream-like quality which I find light and comforting.
Every single song on this album is beautiful and powerful. The lyrics and the melody are each wonderful in their own right, but together they create a masterpiece. This is a perfect album for either background relaxation or emotional introspection, or a bit of both!’
Sanjana's Pick: Tom Misch – Geography
‘Geography by Tom Misch has to be my favourite album for chilling-out. Misch’s eclectic album explores the ‘geography’ of the musical landscape, ranging from jazz and soul to disco and hip-hop.
Every song has a new thrill which is always bound to make you smile whether it be the tribute to romantic vintage cinema in ‘Movie’ or the toe-tapping banger ‘Disco Yes.’ This album has it all so whether you need a wind-down ballad or need to reminded that you’re a dancing queen, Geography will be perfect.’
Fear not; the tunes do not stop there! We have created an entire playlist of relaxation anthems to keep you going through university life. With an eclectic mix of artists and styles, it is sure to have something for everyone. Happy chilling, dear readers!
Featured image: Epigram / Eve Coleman
Let us know your favourite albums for relaxation!
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