Rate it, don't hate it- Bristol 'wavey garms' and why we all secretly adore the cliché

By India Harrison-Peppe, Style Editor

Style Editor India Harrison-Peppe celebrates Bristol's fashion trends and explains why its sometimes best to follow the crowd.

Freshers’ week is coming up: roll on the endless diatribes against Bristol style. It’s a time for the crusades against the Etonian streetwear fanatic, the campaigns against the black flared trousers that every Badock girl will inevitably own, the eye rolls over the massive gold hoops that in year 10 you dismissed as ‘tacky’ but now catch yourself eyeing up when walking down Whiteladies Road.

Image: India Harrison Peppe / Epigram

It’s undeniable that there is a Bristol ‘aesthetic’. Yes, we might look like clones of the girls and boys modelling the Urban Outfitter’s Vintage section; or at a push a resurrection of the 1990s Britpop scene - we wish - but we look good for it. Starting university is a time for new beginnings, new friendships and most importantly, a new wardrobe.

Image: Ruby Gleeson / Epigram

Ditch your North Face Puffer jacket that you thought was cool in sixth form and opt for a brand spanking new wardrobe at BS8, comprising of a lot of other people’s second-hand clothing- it makes sense, we promise. You will peruse the ‘Starter Packs’ popping up on Instagram and self-consciously laugh about the fact that it is just so accurate, everyone at University is so typically Bristol. But why resist? In time, you will come to accept the fact that you will probably own miscellaneous items of sportswear and you will almost definitely wear more jewellery than is deemed practical - you will probably pair them a faux fur coat and maybe a cutting-edge crop top from IamGia which you proudly found before everyone else bought it.

Image: IAmGia

There is a reason that every other university is so bitter about the fact that we all look the same, and it is because we all look so damn good. Group mentality exists for a reason! So, we say conform to the masses, download Depop and unleash your inner materialistic mentality, your bank account might not be thriving, but your new image certainly will.

Featured Image: India Harrison-Peppe / Epigram

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